London Bike Show - worth it?

rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
edited January 2014 in Road general
Tickets are only £12 with the British Cycling discount but the ad in Cycling Plus says the ticket gets you admission to 3 other shows at the same time. Suggests to me there isn't that much to see bike-wise!

Anyone's experiences of last years show or who knows whats going to be there would be appreciated


  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    It's like paying to get into a shop
  • alex222
    alex222 Posts: 598
    Canyon are there so assuming it gives me the chance to check sizing
  • Is it combined with the boat show and the outdoor show like it was last year? I think it's worth it, I was there last year and it was pretty good, much better than the boat show (the main reason I went). There was loads of stuff there, plus a bike track which was pretty cool. Having so many knowledgeable people in one place was really useful too, I chatted to lots of helpful people. :)
  • typekitty
    typekitty Posts: 188
    I really enjoyed it, well more than the show in Birmingham. More shopping opportunities, good stalls and as pointed out, a chance to look at some shiny yachts.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Judging by the line up of exhibitors I don't think its particularly attractive which is a shame as I quite fancied having a good look round what all the bike manufacturers have to offer.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I like walking and live near the Peak District so the outdoorsy stuff on show is also attractive. I went to the Bike Show at NEC 2 years ago and thought it was rubbish, hence my caution...
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    I might be wrong but I thought someone said last year that you couldn't buy anything?
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    Very little to buy. I wont be going again. Have done london three times now and each time vowed never to go again. Last year went to nec in a last ditch attempt and my god that was worse. Never again. Half the exibitors were not even at the nec. The best bit for things like that is show offers etc, there were literally thousands of people walking round wih cash to spend and nothing to buy me included. I was hoping to get some zipps or something and a load of new clothes. I came away with a subscription to cyclist magazine and a pair of trainers for the mrs.
    If you like the idea of £7 for a stale sandwich, £3.50 for a coke and £10 to park your car, and generally like a disappointing day out then i really recommend it. If your like anyone else you'd be far better off either going for a bike ride, or finding a massive bike shop and spending half hour walking round smelling that bike shop smell, going home having bought something and fettle with the bike. Really just done bother. In mallorca each year they put on two shows that are not only free to go to but have tons of stuff you can buy. They really have not grasped the idea of a bike show in the uk yet. I would never go again.
  • I purchased 3 tickets using my BC discount last week... Have I wasted my cash?! I am going to buy a Canyon later this year so wanted to try before I buy... Is this possible?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Have found bike shows disappointing too and probably would not pay to get into one again in the near future.
    Its always nice looking around but not been worth paying to get in/get there and wasting a day on.

    Might do one of the sportives that get you into the show free again though.
    Costs nothing extra as you are there anyway and anything good you get is a bonus.
    You can stay as long or little as you like without having the feeling you have been ripped off and wasted your time and money.
  • keith57
    keith57 Posts: 164
    Waste of a days riding :-)

    Please note: I’ll no longer engage deeply with anonymous forum users :D
  • I see Bromley bikes are there ............... that'll be amazing, they sell bikes ...... and things to go with Bikes ...... in Bromley. I know I have been to their shop and they don't charge £12 to get in.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Never been to the London Bike show, but went to the one at the NEC this year and was distinctly underwhelmed. I went there wanting to spend cash, but there was nothing decent on sale, unless you wanted to spend £80 on lights which you can get for £16 on ebay. It was nice to ogle at the stand dollies, but that's it. Oh, I did get a free Shimano cap!
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
    I went to the show last year. Wouldn't bother again. The best bit was looking at the yachts - says it all, really, when I went for the bikes.
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    As for cayon testing no you wont be, and at birmingham i wanted to show my mate whos new to cycling as they are good value and they were not even at the show!
  • snowley
    snowley Posts: 149
    These are always a little disappointing.

    I can't help but think that one of the larger online retailers should attend and they would do immensely well.....
  • No De Rosa & no I-ride to check out De Rosa means no show for me.
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    The Boat Show is on at the moment, not with the Bike Show.

    Shame as I am into both sports.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • binsted
    binsted Posts: 182
    I went to the show last year. Wouldn't bother again. The best bit was looking at the yachts - says it all, really, when I went for the bikes.

    The boat show is truly awful, a lot of manufacturers do not attend anymore because of the high cost so I imagine the same applies to the Bike Show.
  • dandrew
    dandrew Posts: 175
    Lots of bikes and stuff. What's not to like! I did the training hub last year and that was worth it. Enjoyed the boats and the outdoor show.
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    I've never been to the London show, but if I were based in the South, then I would probably get myself along to it. Being a good 250 mile train journey at each end, then there's not much chance I'm going to spend at least £70 on the rail fare. I think being over in Doncaster, the East Coast line might be a little cheaper and quicker if my memory serves me well, so I guess you'll have to factor this in (unless you're planning to drive).
    I have been to the NEC show, drove down in 2012, paid £10 on top of the entry fee to park, was a little underwhelmed, sat in heavy traffic in the Midlands and took about 3 hours to get home. Never again.
    Rodgers73 - I know it's not on the same scale, but the Bike and Triathlon show in Manchester in March is not too bad for a couple of hours. A short(ish) train ride for us Northerners, and if you feel like leaving early, then it's in central Manchester so always lots of other things to do if you get bored. I went last year, and I'll be going this year all being well.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,575
    I went last year and was pretty underwhelmed, even though it did slightly influence my bike choice but only as far as a colour change. The only thing that made it worthwhile travelling across London was that we used the Thames Clipper from Waterloo and then the cable car. I certainly don't think it's worth travelling to from much further afield.
  • Was thinking of going but probably won't now.