How to report user

NewTTer Posts: 463
To whom do you report a poor user of this forum. UGO SANATLUCIA really has gone to far with his power mad ego mania now. He is sending threatening messages and locking posts on threads that are a year old. He really is a poor ambassador for Bike Radar, he is forever making threats and throwing his weight about. He berates others for promoting business, when that's all he ever does when ever there is a sniff of a wheel purchase thread. As soon I he was made a moderator I knew it would lead to trouble and it has.


  • I have sent you a warning because you have been reported by other user, for using unacceptable language in a thread. It is standard practice. Then I realised the thread was one year old (unfortunately I did not immediately compute that 24 Dec 2012 was last year, unfortunate choice of month). Which is the reason you only got a warning and not a ban... which is what you would have got had you been reported at the time. Calling someone an idiot and a fool grants you a ban, FACT.

    EDIT: this is the original thread where you greet a new user with your best attitude, it was only reported yesterday by another user, who also did not realise it was old... unfortunate, that it was not reported in due time, that is!


    But please, go ahead, I won't be the one locking this thread... I like a bit of fun too.. :wink:

    PS: to report someone, including myself, just use the report function top right of the post
    left the forum March 2023
  • Strith
    Strith Posts: 541
    Just off to get my popcorn, be back in a tick.
  • NewTTer
    NewTTer Posts: 463
    I have sent you a warning because you have been reported by other user, for using unacceptable language in a thread. It is standard practice. Then I realised the thread was one year old (unfortunately I did not immediately compute that 24 Dec 2012 was last year, unfortunate choice of month). Which is the reason you only got a warning and not a ban... which is what you would have got had you been reported at the time. Calling someone an idiot and a fool grants you a ban, FACT.

    EDIT: this is the original thread where you greet a new user with your best attitude, it was only reported yesterday by another user, who also did not realise it was old... unfortunate, that it was not reported in due time, that is!


    But please, go ahead, I won't be the one locking this thread... I like a bit of fun too.. :wink:

    PS: to report someone, including myself, just use the report function top right of the post

    Just proves your incompetence to carry out your duties correctly, try reading the threads before you throw your weight around, or just stick to your usual self promoting in the wheel threads
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I once got a warning due to my ignorance of British vernacular and connotation (spastic simply means clumsy in the US). Learn something new everyday. If you make a mistake, then own it and don't do it again. At the end of the day it's just the internet and an e-slap on the wrist is hardly worth making a fuss about.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • The moderation looked spot on to me. This is a combative forum but it isn't a place to be gratuitously unpleasant.

    Do the mods do this for free? Genuine question.
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    LOL @ OP trying to fight his corner and failing so he throws his toys out the pram.
    I think you should kiss ugo's mouse-clicking finger for not getting you banned for what you did in that thread.
  • Do the mods do this for free? Genuine question.

    No, I think they use it to promote their wheel building service....

    According to the OP. 8)
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,194
    Not much of a bun fight here ladies, I (and a few others) are very dissapointed :P

    Boy posts sillyness.
    Boy gets light spanking.
    Boy throws toys out of pram.
    Boy cries.

    Boy needs to learn quickly and lighten up FFS.
    Ban = Street cred, Warning level increase = Marginal street cred.

    BTW - Have you met UGO? He is 3 foot nothing and weighs about as much as 2 bags of sugar. He cannot possibly throw his weight around.They had to build a special bicycle for him...

    Continued p94...
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • The moderation looked spot on to me. This is a combative forum but it isn't a place to be gratuitously unpleasant.

    Do the mods do this for free? Genuine question.

    It's not spot on... I made a mistake, confusing 2013 with 2012. That said, a warning is a warning, it's not even a yellow card in the grand scheme of things, as when you clock 2 or 3 or 4 you don't get disqualified.
    The awful OP behaviour remains... he should have been banned at the time...

    Yes, there is no benefit other than a green name and a slightly increased Inbox capacity. Most of the work is deleting spam and dealing with bullies... no recognition, a fair dose of abuse... some get named incompetent and Egomaniac, others get named Nazi... it's a great place to be... want to join the team? :wink:
    left the forum March 2023
  • mercia_man
    mercia_man Posts: 1,431
    Just had a quick look through some of the OP's previous posts over past few months and I reckon ugo has a point.

    Sometimes the OP is polite and helpful. But he sometimes makes sarcastic, aggressive or rude comments - and he seems particularly fond of put-downs to newcomers to cycling and accusing them of asking daft questions. I notice some of his favourite expressions include accusing people of being idiots or of willy-waving. He's also keen on using the expression FTFY - had to google that to find out what it means.

    This forum is a great resource. We shouldn't alienate newcomers or existing members by being a bully.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,194
    Mercia Man wrote:
    Just had a quick look through some of the OP's previous posts over past few months and I reckon ugo has a point.

    Sometimes the OP is polite and helpful. But he sometimes makes sarcastic, aggressive or rude comments - and he seems particularly fond of put-downs to newcomers to cycling and accusing them of asking daft questions. I notice some of his favourite expressions include accusing people of being idiots or of willy-waving. He's also keen on using the expression FTFY - had to google that to find out what it means.

    This forum is a great resource. We shouldn't alienate newcomers or existing members by being a bully.

    What on earth is 'willy waving'? A bloke called Sean would like to know.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,388
    Mercia Man wrote:
    Just had a quick look through some of the OP's previous posts over past few months and I reckon ugo has a point.

    Sometimes the OP is polite and helpful. But he sometimes makes sarcastic, aggressive or rude comments - and he seems particularly fond of put-downs to newcomers to cycling and accusing them of asking daft questions. I notice some of his favourite expressions include accusing people of being idiots or of willy-waving. He's also keen on using the expression FTFY - had to google that to find out what it means.

    This forum is a great resource. We shouldn't alienate newcomers or existing members by being a bully.

    What on earth is 'willy waving'? A bloke called Sean would like to know.

    I think he knows it under the slightly different name of stump shaking.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,644
    Pross wrote:
    Mercia Man wrote:
    Just had a quick look through some of the OP's previous posts over past few months and I reckon ugo has a point.

    Sometimes the OP is polite and helpful. But he sometimes makes sarcastic, aggressive or rude comments - and he seems particularly fond of put-downs to newcomers to cycling and accusing them of asking daft questions. I notice some of his favourite expressions include accusing people of being idiots or of willy-waving. He's also keen on using the expression FTFY - had to google that to find out what it means.

    This forum is a great resource. We shouldn't alienate newcomers or existing members by being a bully.

    What on earth is 'willy waving'? A bloke called Sean would like to know.

    I think he knows it under the slightly different name of stump shaking.
    Off topic! Off topic! Any mod worth his salt would lock this thread now!
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • The moderation looked spot on to me. This is a combative forum but it isn't a place to be gratuitously unpleasant.

    Do the mods do this for free? Genuine question.

    It's not spot on... I made a mistake, confusing 2013 with 2012. That said, a warning is a warning, it's not even a yellow card in the grand scheme of things, as when you clock 2 or 3 or 4 you don't get disqualified.
    The awful OP behaviour remains... he should have been banned at the time...

    Yes, there is no benefit other than a green name and a slightly increased Inbox capacity. Most of the work is deleting spam and dealing with bullies... no recognition, a fair dose of abuse... some get named incompetent and Egomaniac, others get named Nazi... it's a great place to be... want to join the team? :wink:

    Keep up the good work Ugo :D
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    As I say to my two little boys when they moan about having to sit on the naughty step, "If you can't do the time you don't do the crime."........however small the crime may be.
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    I'm a moderator on our works's cycling forum. I lock any threads relating to car vs bike interactions.
    They are usually from motorists who've been upset by the behaviour of some cyclist they've seen on
    their way into work. I also lock any threads relating to people telling cyclists to wear helmets.

    I think I'd do alright in the same role in this forum.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Moderating is a thankless task, if you do nothing you are moaned at and if you do too little then it isn't enough and if you do the correct amount then it is excessive. The old adage of "you can please some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time."

    The Admin/Mod team are all instructed to respond to reports and out of all of us Ugo is the gentlest, always arguing the case for others.

    At the end of the day we are all cyclists with an interest in cycling, otherwise why would we be on here. It makes all of us disheartened when people forget manners.

    Ugo discovered the error of the post being a year old and apologised for that, but he should never have to apologise for correcting someone rudeness, if it had been me then NewTTer would receive a permanent ban.

    I suggest NewTTer that you go out and ride your bike a little more and take your energy out on the latest Strava segment, you might then be too knackered to insult fellow members. :roll:

    Mod Edit, I'm moving this thread into Discuss the Website section!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,194
    Personally Ugo, first of all I don't think you have to justify your actions and secondly, I don't think you have to justify your actions.

    Can you ban that Sean the con bloke - he's a complete tw4t. Oh and Arran77 and his chum Stevo 666, you see they are both hotel/motel: They are slight roadies/slight off roaders (wtf is that?) and probably have wet dreams about fixies.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,313
    I have sent you a warning because you have been reported by other user, for using unacceptable language in a thread. It is standard practice....<snip>....Which is the reason you only got a warning and not a ban... which is what you would have got had you been reported at the time. Calling someone an idiot and a fool grants you a ban, FACT.

    A couple of questions if I may.

    Is it standard practice to automatically send a user a warning when they have been reported or does the mod evaluate the reported post, the reporter and any context before acting?

    Is there a difference between a 'Board Warning' and a PM from the Mods?

    Are warnings recorded?

    Assuming "Idiot" and "Fool" aren't swear filter replacements for other words is it really true that this "grants you a ban"? Over the years I've called people worse, been called worse and seen other posters call other posters much much worse without being banned. Is it not a case of, get the wrong mod on the wrong day and you're out?
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Board warnings are formal - and recorded on your profile. They're visible to me when I take a look people's profiles.

    A PM isn't formal at all. It's just a PM.

    It's all pretty discretionary, and a lot of it is to do with the context and whether it's reported or not.

    If you have a problem with a member, report the posts they right.

    If you have a problem with a moderator, start a thread here. Now, bare in mind that a thread like that will inevitably be a little personal, so make sure you keep it about the problems and not turn it into a personal attack.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Personally Ugo, first of all I don't think you have to justify your actions and secondly, I don't think you have to justify your actions.

    Can you ban that Sean the con bloke - he's a complete tw4t. Oh and Arran77 and his chum Stevo 666, you see they are both hotel/motel: They are slight roadies/slight off roaders (wtf is that?) and probably have wet dreams about fixies.

    Oye, watch it Pina, if me, the womble and stevo get banned you'll have no mates on here at all :wink:

    And by the way nice bit of mod brown nosing with Ugo :P
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • Assuming "Idiot" and "Fool" aren't swear filter replacements for other words is it really true that this "grants you a ban"? Over the years I've called people worse, been called worse and seen other posters call other posters much much worse without being banned. Is it not a case of, get the wrong mod on the wrong day and you're out?

    If nobody reported you and the user you abused was OK with that, then you might get away with that. However, if the user reports you and, like in this case, the offence was out of the blue and unprovoked, it's bullying and you will probably get a ban. Length is discretionary... if you have a history it'll probably be permanent
    left the forum March 2023
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I take the view that if I am reading the forum as a user and I stumble across a post that is rude and insulting to another member then I deal with it as if it had been reported, as I can theoretically report posts I stumble across.

    I don't actively go looking for breaches or offences, it is only if I stumble across them or they are reported as Ugo says.

    Typically once a post is reported and the complaint dealt with it would be unwise not to keep an eye on the thread and to make sure there are no further breaches.

    With the classifieds, I am most days on there looking for stuff to keep my own fleet in shape, so again if I stumble across someone breaking the rules then the same applies.

    I have a life and I couldn't think of anything worse than to have to read every single post on here, but the Big Girls Thread in BB does get frequented occasionally purely for moderation purposes you understand :wink: :roll: :mrgreen:
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    I've never heard it called moderation Velonutter :P
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,194
    arran77 wrote:
    Personally Ugo, first of all I don't think you have to justify your actions and secondly, I don't think you have to justify your actions.

    Can you ban that Sean the con bloke - he's a complete tw4t. Oh and Arran77 and his chum Stevo 666, you see they are both hotel/motel: They are slight roadies/slight off roaders (wtf is that?) and probably have wet dreams about fixies.

    Oye, watch it Pina, if me, the womble and stevo get banned you'll have no mates on here at all :wink:

    And by the way nice bit of mod brown nosing with Ugo :P

    I need a new pair of wheels - cheap/free.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    I'm interested to know about this as I was given a 'warning' for calling Wiggins an oaf (in more flowery terms, but ones that were censored so as not to break forum rules) and also for telling some dude to pay his justifiably issued (by his own admission) parking ticket ...

    Now I get that some PC nutjob(s) somewhere on the board decided this needed reporting, but I don't see how this should result in me being vaguely threatened that I was on a final warning ...

    Maybe some discussion as to exactly why the posts were problematic would have been better ... As it stands it seems anyone who's pathetic enough to 'tell' on you can get you banned (or under threat of) ...
  • I did remember sending you a warning for the second offence you mention. It was reported, it was excessive and rude... even your thread peers commented that was excessive, so I don't see the problem.

    I think it's very simple... if you disagree with someone, keep your arguments polite, if you can't keep them clean, go discuss another topic. If you can't discuss any topic without being disruptive and rude, there are other forums which are not moderated...
    left the forum March 2023
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I'm interested to know about this as I was given a 'warning' for calling Wiggins an oaf (in more flowery terms, but ones that were censored so as not to break forum rules) and also for telling some dude to pay his justifiably issued (by his own admission) parking ticket ...

    Now I get that some PC nutjob(s) somewhere on the board decided this needed reporting, but I don't see how this should result in me being vaguely threatened that I was on a final warning ...

    Maybe some discussion as to exactly why the posts were problematic would have been better ... As it stands it seems anyone who's pathetic enough to 'tell' on you can get you banned (or under threat of) ...

    And I gave you a warning for saying after it was reported.
    F*ck me, Wiggins is a c*unt

    We really don't need language like that, so if you can't be polite, then as Ugo said there are other forums where language like that is tolerated.

    Don't get me wrong, I can swear like the best of them, but there is a time and a place and I usually reserve that for when I am struggling up a hill or trying to draught my mates and failing! :shock:
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I think the line is drawn at personal attacks. For example, saying that someone's idea is stupid, idiotic, perverse, is one thing, but assigning those traits to said person is another thing entirely. Although to be fair, why people actually get worked up by what strangers say on the internet completely baffles me.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg