Wheel Component Equivalents?



  • freebs
    freebs Posts: 199
    Have been very happy with the wheels but today had two of the rear nds spokes break. I was happy with the tension according to the tensiometer and they were all broadly equal. Mussons book doesn't really cover how to replace a spoke (or two!). Should I replace the broken spokes or rebuild the wheel? Thanks in advance.
  • freebs
    freebs Posts: 199
    Apologies, the book does cover replacing spokes, just not in the bit about broken spokes!! My mistake.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Broken spokes so soon? :shock:
    There is something not quite right about your wheels, get them checked by someone good, there might be some obvious building error, as it's very unlikely you break a spoke a month after you built the wheels
    left the forum March 2023
  • freebs
    freebs Posts: 199
    What can cause them to go? Have I over tightened? The tensiometer indicated not. Where are you Ugo?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    No, I suspect something more sinister... an error in lacing maybe? A spoke should last 10,000 miles or more. Even in the worst case scenario, that number can't go down to a few hundred.
    Excessively low tension kills thin spokes prematurely, but you said your tension is fine...

    left the forum March 2023