Di2 enquiry

cmhill79 Posts: 139
edited December 2013 in Road general
Hi folks
I'm looking at a new bike purchase and considering the Di2 technology. Only thing that concerns me is have heard one charge will only allow 500 changes. That doesn't sound a lot to me. I'm thinking that a say 80 mile ride that includes lots of up and down is easily going to use 500 changes. What are your thoughts?


  • Absolute rubbish. You get about 1700km out of a charge. I have done continuous rides of over 600km without a charge and have been commuting this winter on my bike as well as weekends and haven't charged it in 4 months.
  • DHA987S
    DHA987S Posts: 284
    Yep way more than 500 changes. The newer software has extended battery life from the original versions.
  • About every 800-1000 miles
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    Seem to remember reading somewhere that the batteries will maintain full efficiency for at least 500 CHARGES (not changes). Could this be the cause of the confusion?
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    +1. 500 CHARGES is a pretty normal nominal lifespan for a lithium ion battery.
  • cmhill79
    cmhill79 Posts: 139
    Absolute rubbish. You get about 1700km out of a charge. I have done continuous rides of over 600km without a charge and have been commuting this winter on my bike as well as weekends and haven't charged it in 4 months.

    OK OK just asking is all :)