Biggest person to get away with a 49cm Paddy Wagon?

londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
edited April 2014 in Road buying advice
I've "won" a great deal on a Paddy Wagon on ebay but after a bit of a mix up it's a 49cm rather than the 53cm I thought I was bidding on. I think I should probably go for the 53cm, being 174 cm (5'8'') with a 80cm inseam.

I appreciate these are very ball park and don't allow for individual preferences, flexibility or riding style but Kona's guide says I'm way off and should be a 53cm or 56cm:

The reach on the 49cm is is pretty long (390mm) but it's then massively shortened by having a 75mm stem but obviously that can be swapped out.

It's the stack at 517mm (110mm head tube) that concerns me as that's a good 13mm shorter than my current small road bike which I've already got 25mm of spacers on. It's just for short blasts through London traffic though.

It's not the biggest amount of money in the world but it will still be a hassle to collect, will clog the house up and then be a hassle to sell if I do get it wrong.

After all of that rambling, anyone out there ride a 49cm and how big are you?

Thanks for any advice (and anyone want to buy a slightly used 49cm single speed......).


  • hmace
    hmace Posts: 1
    Is this still around?
  • londoncommuter
    londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
    I did go ahead and buy it if that's what you mean? Actually looks like it should fit fine although due to work changes I haven't tried it yet. BIt of a crime as it's in immaculate condition and looks bombproof for London's pot holes.