Scientology given 'credibilty' by British court



  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    And looking further into the tenets of Scientology, it doesn't seem to adhere to any religious standpoint, but allows you to choose your own spiritual path so theoretically you could be an Anglican and a scientologist at the same time. Except that they believe that humans are essentially good whereas Christians believe that humans are bad and saved by grace. And there seems to be bits of reincarnation and eternal life thrown in. So it kind of sounds ok in so far as you can pick and mix the bits you want. Anyways, I'm burbling now so time for my afternoon meds and a nice cup of tea...
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Joelsim wrote:
    I absolutely detested RE at school, 6% in my last exam testifies to that. What a load of utter rubbish...If you live your life in this manner - Treat people like you want to be treated yourself - no religion comes remotely close

    You may only have scored 6%, but at least you came away with the one thing that pretty much every religion agrees on: ... philosophy

    (following the wiki reference, even Scientologists can read a version of this particular principle for only $25 delivered!)

    Of course what people say they believe and how they behave can be entirely different things...
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    I think a lot of people miss the fact that Scientology and JWs do control members, attempting also to cut them off from people who may not be perceived by the organisation to want the member in question being part of it. These people are often non-believing family, I've witnessed this and is heartbreakingly distressing for the families.

    The wackiness of what they believe in is neither here nor there, one fairy story has as much truth to it as the next one really.