Novice setting targets for 2014

Dazz150 Posts: 12
edited December 2013 in Road beginners
Hello everyone, I have been on the forum for a few months now but this is my first post!

I'm 26 and over the last 2 months I have reignited my passion for cycling. As a kid I used to do a lot of miles with my dad and find comfort in being back out on the bike. Not to mention the much needed improvement in health and fitness!

At the moment I'm riding my mountain bike, just shy of 100 miles a week ( 20 miles every other week night and 30 on a weekend.) I go out with 2 mates on their road bikes, I do struggle to keep up at times but that's a good thing because it makes me push harder! Santa has listened and is delivering my road bike :wink:

So now I'm starting to look ahead to 2014, I would like to set some realistic targets around raising my mileage and speed but I really fancy getting involved in a ride with other enthusiasts. I'm thinking along the lines of a charity ride or even an amateur sportive. Is there anything on around the middle months of the year that the box?


  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    You should join a club. Club rides are a great way to meet new people and progress your riding. Where are you located?

    You can do sportives if you like, there are loads of them on, especially in the spring/summer months. I'm more of an audax man myself. You can check out all the different audaxes available here:
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Hi,

    I am located near Swansea,Wales.
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,640
    There are lots of good clubs in South Wales, take a look around.
    I started on the road earlier this year and did my first (30)miles sportive in April, it was my longest ride. I've done another 4 since, 50 to 75 miles. But a "normal" ride out for me now is 30+ miles so it's no big deal!
    Pick an event, maybe the Merlin in June, where you've got a few distance options and remember that Wales has a lot of up. Aim for that and you'll be fine, you're young so you'll be fine - Grill's recommendation of riding with a club is the right one as you'll build confidence, get safer and faster.
  • kim10
    kim10 Posts: 186
    As it has been said above I too would recommend joining a club. It will encourage you to get out, build up your group riding skills and inevitably you will meet like minded people. Longer club runs is a great way of building up stamina and fitness

    If it’s sportives you are interested in, have a look at here:
    More rides will be added all the time as they get confirmed.
    FECES Posts: 25
    Dazz150 wrote:

    I am located near Swansea,Wales.

    Are you sure? Not many cyclists on here from there AFAIK. What routes do you ride?
  • Just get out and enjoy riding again mate.
    Ribble Ultralite Racing 7005, Campagnolo Veloce groupset, Campagnolo Khamsin G3 wheel set
  • 2013 was my first year on road bike.
    I began with about 40 miles rides. Now my average ride is 60 miles in winter and a bit more during summer. In 2013 I rode more than 6000 miles and I partecipated to 6 "Granfondo". These are a sort of long race for not professional bikers. You must usually ride 90-100 miles and climb 2500-3000 m. When I began, 47 yeards old, I'd never imagine to ride so much.

    So, you are 26...
  • Have fun with your road bike :D, and yes, you should join a club, don't worry about not being quick enough as you're already doing 100 miles a week on a MTB which is better than most people manage!

    Sportives are a really good thing to have in your diary as the impending date keeps you focussed on your training as there's no hiding from it ;)

    Keep an eye on for their 2014 date announcements.

    But there's also this one near you ... -sportive/
    66 miles for the standard route and you've got until May to train.

    Make sure you come back here and tell us how you did ;)
  • Hello
    In same position as Dazz whereby i'm new to cycling. Have come from running background but due to a long story (which i will not bore you with) cannot run any longer. Tried biking on holiday in Austria this year and loved it so bought a bike and started riding at start of September. Currently doing rides of anything from 12 to 35 miles and averaging around 120 miles a week. Anyway to point of this post - bike i bought was a Cannondale Quick hybrid and was wondering if this would be suitable to use in amateur Sportives - have looked at the Wye Valley one in May next year (66 mile option) and while fairly confident i can get round it ok would like to know if i would be out of place on a hybrid
  • smjj1958 wrote:
    In same position as Dazz whereby i'm new to cycling. Have come from running background but due to a long story (which i will not bore you with) cannot run any longer. Tried biking on holiday in Austria this year and loved it so bought a bike and started riding at start of September. Currently doing rides of anything from 12 to 35 miles and averaging around 120 miles a week. Anyway to point of this post - bike i bought was a Cannondale Quick hybrid and was wondering if this would be suitable to use in amateur Sportives - have looked at the Wye Valley one in May next year (66 mile option) and while fairly confident i can get round it ok would like to know if i would be out of place on a hybrid

    Without doubt most people will be on road bikes but in my experience of sportives there will be a variety of equipment including MTBs, hybrids and probably some nutter on a fixie. Anyway, if you can do the distance on that bike does it really matter what other people think of you?
  • Have fun with your road bike :D, and yes, you should join a club, don't worry about not being quick enough as you're already doing 100 miles a week on a MTB which is better than most people manage!

    Sportives are a really good thing to have in your diary as the impending date keeps you focussed on your training as there's no hiding from it ;)

    Keep an eye on for their 2014 date announcements.

    But there's also this one near you ... -sportive/
    66 miles for the standard route and you've got until May to train.

    Make sure you come back here and tell us how you did ;)

    Thank you to everyone for your replies!

    That May event is very appealing! You have completely summed up my intentions, just having so,etching to aim for will keep my efforts up!

    I will defiantly report but with an outcome!
  • With the benefit of my quite limited Sportive experience I'd say :

    Advantage - the organisers seem to throw in as many climbs as they can possibly find so the lower gears on a hybrid would be helpful.

    Disadvantage - Most, but not all, riders use road bikes so you might (or might not) feel conspicuous on a hybrid. Nobody seems bothered by this though and I for one was pleased to see a few hybrids and mountain bikes.

    Sign up to the sportive, train hard for it and enjoy it either on your hybrid or a road bike. You won't regret it.
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Why not think about some racing rather than sportives?
    No reason why you couldn't get a 3rd cat or maybe a 2nd cat in 2014