London police crackdown

alan_sherman Posts: 1,157
edited January 2014 in Commuting general
Surprised there isn't a thread about this yet.

Lots of police out at junctions on my commute in from SW London. Some cyclist at one of the lights started shouting at the policewoman who was ticketing a cyclist. At another junction a police bloke advised the guy next to me to wear a helmet and not listen to headphones.

What did you see out there today?


  • I saw a cyclist (I think) lying in the road at Faringdon, being attended by several paramedics and air ambulance.
    There were lots of police around, but seemed more concerned about making sure the buses could re-route.
    There were a few police around Marylebone Rd, but holding some sort of forms and looking bored at various sets of lights. Didn't seem to be stopping anyone.
    Commute: Langster -Singlecross - Brompton S2-LX

    Road: 95 Trek 5500 -Look 695 Aerolight eTap - Boardman TTe eTap

    Offroad: Pace RC200 - Dawes Kickback 2 tandem - Tricross - Boardman CXR9.8 - Ridley x-fire
  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 1,881
    Police have been out enforcing ASLs along CS7 through the A24/A3 for a couple of weeks now - copper I spoke to near kennington this morning said they'll be continuing right through to xmas. I saw 2 scooters getting tickets in Clapham North this morning and a few car drivers/cyclists being spoken to but I couldn't tell what for.

    I guess they'll catch red light light jumping cyclists too if they're moronic/blind enough to jump a red light with half a dozen police standing by in hi-vis jackets.
  • mattv
    mattv Posts: 992
    According to the BBC website, they are ticketing motorbikes and cars, having a talk to cyclists. Helmets and hi viz are apparently their priority. Also it's supposedly costing nothing to implement? I guess these police are no longer investigating burglaries etc? Good luck London!
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    mattv wrote:
    guess these police are no longer investigating burglaries etc? Good luck London!

    As my friend in the CPS was fond of saying about this line from dangerous drivers "burgalars don't kill people"

    Six (cyclists) deaths in two weeks has probably focussed the police's priorities somewhat.
  • Some cyclist at one of the lights started shouting at the policewoman who was ticketing a cyclist.

    Hope you knocked him out to teach him some manners.

    Pfft. :roll:
  • Plenty on my way into Soho from N London, its about time somebody did something to raise awareness.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Some cyclist at one of the lights started shouting at the policewoman who was ticketing a cyclist.

    Hope you knocked him out to teach him some manners.

    Pfft. :roll:

    He said policewoman :P
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Cycled past my local police station just now... 8 police vehicles all lined up in the car park. Much too cold for the poor darlings to actually be outside sorting out crime...
  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 1,881
    ^ shift change time.
  • Mikey23 wrote:
    Cycled past my local police station just now... 8 police vehicles all lined up in the car park. Much too cold for the poor darlings to actually be outside sorting out crime...

    You read the Daily Mail, don't you....?

  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Cycled past my local police station just now... 8 police vehicles all lined up in the car park. Much too cold for the poor darlings to actually be outside sorting out crime...

    You read the Daily Mail, don't you....?


    No, if he read the Daily Mail he would have said that he cycled past the local police station and it was all boarded up because the job was now being done by community support officers :wink:

    As an aside, you and your colleagues have all got a shock coming haven't you if recent discussions materialize meaning that you have to out on the streets and seen, just like years ago :P
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • arran77 wrote:
    As an aside, you and your colleagues have all got a shock coming haven't you if recent discussions materialize meaning that you have to out on the streets and seen, just like years ago :P

    Not really, there has always been a lot of shiney arses who avoid the streets. But they're often a liability so they're in the best place.

    However, due to budget issues all the civies have been sacked. That means that a load more time is now being spent by street cops shining their arses too, doing jobs that were previously done by civies.

    And I don't want to be behind a desk researching various systems just to put a tick in a form that has no relevance to anyone that makes a difference.

    But change is good, and we must embrace change. :roll:
  • Not a regular visitor to the city but popped down as I was speaking an event in Paddington this morning. Walking down from Euston most junctions up to the Edgeware Road had at least two officers although they were nearly all PSCOs.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    arran77 wrote:
    As an aside, you and your colleagues have all got a shock coming haven't you if recent discussions materialize meaning that you have to out on the streets and seen, just like years ago :P

    Not really, there has always been a lot of shiney arses who avoid the streets. But they're often a liability so they're in the best place.

    However, due to budget issues all the civies have been sacked. That means that a load more time is now being spent by street cops shining their arses too, doing jobs that were previously done by civies.

    And I don't want to be behind a desk researching various systems just to put a tick in a form that has no relevance to anyone that makes a difference.

    But change is good, and we must embrace change. :roll:

    Policing sounds like one of those jobs that's not what it used to be, bet you're not even allowed to give people a little 'hiding' anymore :wink:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • I saw a cyclist (I think) lying in the road at Faringdon, being attended by several paramedics and air ambulance.
    There were lots of police around, but seemed more concerned about making sure the buses could re-route.
    There were a few police around Marylebone Rd, but holding some sort of forms and looking bored at various sets of lights. Didn't seem to be stopping anyone.

    It was a pedestrian hit by a bus.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    mattv wrote:
    I guess these police are no longer investigating burglaries etc?

    I certainly hope not, while there are murders and slavery cases to be investigated. Right?
  • Squawk
    Squawk Posts: 132
    Loads of them all the way in from Brixton. Saw RLJs at every junction where I didn't see a police officer.
  • Apprarently there are two specific 'campaigns' being operated by the Police in London these last two weeks, or so a PCSO friend of mine tells me. One is a general 'safety awareness at dangerous junctions' campaign, motivated initially by the recent spike in cycling deaths, but broadened out to control/punish errant behaviour by 'any' road users at said junctions. I've seen the same motor-bike policeman at Tooting Broadway for the past three working days as I cycle into work - we're becoming quite good friends! The second phase is to target and prosecute motorists on the mobile phone while holding a handset - I think that was last week though. It certainly has had an influence on the behaviour of some cyclists in my opinion. The junction at Tooting Bec is generally a RLJ flashpoint, but the past few days nothing!

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • Didn't see one policeman on my way in this morning (SW London -> City) so wasn't even sure the crackdown had started!

    The way home was just as quiet although I was stopped by a police officer/pcso on the shared path at the north of Chelsea Bridge. He told me and a couple of others to dismount and when I replied with "but it's a cycle path isn't it?" he responded by telling me that it stopped a few yards back. There's actually a shared use path sign as it's part of NCN4, leading to a toucan crossing - I thought about arguing the point but decided against it, pushed my bike 5 metres and rejoined the road. Couldn't see him doing anything else but stopping cyclists.

    For the rest of my journey home I paid more attention than usual to ASL infringements, buses in cycle lanes, red light jumping cars/cyclists etc and there was the normal amount, but of course no policemen around to do anything about it.

    My overall impression, based on that event and reading about others on twitter, is that there are a load police officers on the streets picking on cyclists without knowing the laws they are supposed to be enforcing.
  • Sounds like they've actually been sensible, concentrating on the dangerous rather than the petty. BBC doesn't mention what proportion of RLJs are motorists. But from the context of the report, its a fair assumption that most RLJs ticketed were motorists, not cyclists. But it doesn't suit the media agenda to make this clear.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    You've got to love the daily fail, this is the funniest looking 'wheelbarrow' I've ever seen....

    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • I visited London the first w/end in November, we travelled by train to King's cross and used the tube to get to our hotel. Once we'd dropped the bags we spent the rest of Friday/weekend walking about admiring the various sights.
    I was gobsmacked by the number of muppet cyclists riding about with various combinations of no helmets, wearing headphones, No lights (when it was dark) or being dressed in dark clothing................. WTF is all that about.
    And to see their conduct on the roads - I'm surprised more cyclists aren't killed or seriously injured!!!!
    I personally think it's about time some sort of training was made compulsory to ensure those types are at least given an insight to the risk they are putting themselves in.....
    And to hear people say 'It's Grim up North' - I'm more than happy with the way it is!!!!!!!
  • Squawk
    Squawk Posts: 132
    Approaching Elephant today, and some chap on a bike was getting a talking to from one of the 6 officers (could have been 5) officers stood there. Of the other 4/5, not a single one had their eye on the road during the entire period I had them in view. They were stood around in a huddle chatting.

    Appreciate the sentiment, but the execution is lacking IMO.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,532
    Mayhemwmb wrote:
    I was gobsmacked by the number of muppet cyclists riding about with various combinations of no helmets, wearing headphones, No lights (when it was dark) or being dressed in dark clothing................. WTF is all that about.

    There's a lot of views there. I think you need to distinguish between the law (lights etc.) and recommendations (helmets, high viz etc.). The police should be there to enforce the law.

    For what it's worth I ride in dark clothing sometimes and I always listen to music, but I do have a helmet and lights.
  • Careful what you wish for. If the plod start enforcing 'the law' only, they could fine you for not having rear and pedal reflectors.
  • monkimark
    monkimark Posts: 1,881
    They could also start strictly enforcing 30mph zones but they won't because it would take forever.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,532
    Careful what you wish for. If the plod start enforcing 'the law' only, they could fine you for not having rear and pedal reflectors.

    My all carbon bike was made before 1985!

    I do have a rear reflector, but don't have the pedal reflectors (I've been meaning to buy some, but it's not that easy). I'd still rather be fined for that than lectured on something that is not law... on the basis that lots of pedal fines should result in the change of a stupid law
  • robwatkins wrote:
    The way home was just as quiet although I was stopped by a police officer/pcso on the shared path at the north of Chelsea Bridge. He told me and a couple of others to dismount and when I replied with "but it's a cycle path isn't it?" he responded by telling me that it stopped a few yards back. There's actually a shared use path sign as it's part of NCN4, leading to a toucan crossing - I thought about arguing the point but decided against it, pushed my bike 5 metres and rejoined the road. Couldn't see him doing anything else but stopping cyclists.

    Another policeman there tonight - I did the same manoeuvre and this time no comment. Yay!

    Edit: just watched this video on the BBC about Operation Safeway - Skip to 44s and watch the second van jump the lights on amber at what looks like quite a speed, moments before it goes red. The police (three of them!) don't even bat an eyelid and continue to stand around talking to each other :).
  • That's amazing. The irony as the copper preaches safety while the white van man goes through a red light.

    There's just no point in ANY of the police doing this. It's a waste of time and a waste of resources. If Mr white van man doesn't give a shit when the lights are full of hi-vis coppers, he's not going to be arsed in a week when this all blows over and some nodder is in his way. More drivers share the attitudes of the above van driver and if they can get to their destination more quickly, or squeeze through that tiny gap that doesn't exist or jump a light in order to gain that tiny and pointless advantage then they will take it 100% of the time.

    Don't get me wrong, its a great knee-jerk attitiude of the police to be pushing this so hard, but sadly it's all pointless imo.
    Ribble Stealth/SRAM Force
    2007 Specialized Allez (Double) FCN - 3
  • Careful what you wish for. If the plod start enforcing 'the law' only, they could fine you for not having rear and pedal reflectors.

    Pedal reflectors?????? Where is that covered - Certainly not in the highway code........