Has a PM been sent if it is in "Outbox"?

Manc33 Posts: 2,157
Sent a reply to a message last night (it is in "Sent Items") and got a reply back, I replied again today to their reply... but now my newer reply appears in the outbox, not in sent items. The first message is still in sent items.

Do all the following replies after the first one get appended to the message in "Sent Items". It seems that way.

Thought it didn't send, so I sent it again and now it says "Outbox (2)" lol. Not doing it again otherwise the recipient might have the same message 3x over. I say might because I still don't know if they got it.

Does it stay in the "Outbox" until they read it?


Yes I really am this stupid when it comes to this stuff lol, hardly ever send emails and even less PM's on forums. :P
