
ChuckWoking Posts: 22
edited November 2013 in Commuting chat
Following the outrage of a cyclist 'spitting at a car' we now get an OAP slapping a cyclist with bag full of dog shit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... -head.html

She reckons people will applaud her?

I wonder how it would be taken if every time a commuter cyclist had a car get too close we did similar?

Seriously this anti-cycling thing with some people is getting to the level of bonkers, I'm surprised she wasn't sectioned.


  • What makes it worse is you get lots of young men with powerful bikes riding at speed without any conscience that older people can't get out of the way easily."

    So it is about the bike.

    Hard to comment without seeing the path in question and of course how this guy was riding, but there's a certain type who will characterise any interaction with a bike as 'nearly being mown down'. This kind of silly exaggeration gets on my nerves. OK, it might make you jump if a near-silent bike suddenly whizzes past, but believe it or not, the cyclist has seen you, and because we have evolved methods for steering bicycles, he is able to take the necessary action to avoid colliding with you.
  • The 'cyclist' in question was a Cambridge Don and the lady in question had previous cautions for assault and criminal damage.

    She was convicted of assault in this case.

    3/4's of the article was given over to her side of the story of course...about a paragraph to the victim.

    Nice journalism!!
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    "She did not see him [Ramage] coming in the opposite direction and he was not stopping for her which certainly in the olden days, a man on a bike would have got off and let her through."
    "I have had problems with this chap before. He came towards me and was saying, 'Get out of my way'. He was close enough for me to reach out so I attacked him with the poo bag."

    A bit of a contradiction in the defense their.

    FWIW, I think shared use paths are dangerous. I find the roads safer.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    The 'cyclist' in question was a Cambridge Don and the lady in question had previous cautions for assault and criminal damage.

    She was convicted of assault in this case.

    3/4's of the article was given over to her side of the story of course...about a paragraph to the victim.

    Nice journalism!!

    To be fair, a raging loon makes better copy than common sense. I liked the comment about young riders on 'powerful bikes' :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Stay of those powerful bikes you crazy kids.
    Fat lads take longer to stop.
  • Koncordski
    Koncordski Posts: 1,009
    He should've D-Lock'd the c**t... :shock: :twisted: :lol:

    #1 Brompton S2L Raw Lacquer, Leather Mudflaps
    #2 Boeris Italia race steel
    #3 Scott CR1 SL
    #4 Trek 1.1 commuter
    #5 Peugeot Grand Tourer (Tandem)
  • Koncordski wrote:
    He should've D-Lock'd the c**t... :shock: :twisted: :lol:

    But then the Don on a bike would have got a criminal record rather than the slapper who already had one (and seems proud of it), and possibility lost his job too.

    If anything she should be shamed as a revolting specimen of humanity.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,625
    If you've never lived there you won't really realise how big a thing the town vs gown battle is.

    Cyclists are often synonymous with 'gown'.

    I got a lot of abuse on the bike growing up there and a lot of it was oriented around the idea I was a student who who wasn't local.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    If you've never lived there you won't really realise how big a thing the town vs gown battle is.

    Cyclists are often synonymous with 'gown'.

    I got a lot of abuse on the bike growing up there and a lot of it was oriented around the colour of my trousers.


    To be fair to the woman, at least she had picked her dog's poo up!!!!
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    TBH I am pretty fed up with selfish dog owners who can't/won't clean up after their filthy animals or keep them on a lead as they walk past all the kids from my local primary school but I still haven't hit one with a soiled nappy...