Cheatin' Lyin' Dopestrong on BBC World Service

John Clark1
John Clark1 Posts: 268
edited November 2013 in The bottom bracket
Have only heard parts of it so far (haven't had time to tune in & chill out to it) but why oh why oh why oh why can't he just naff off and leave us alone?


  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Will be book's to sell.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Books. No apostrophe.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    He didn't say anything of note.

    The two most interesting points I thought were:

    1) The truth is less juicy than most people think when it comes to Hein and Pat. If anything that would hurt book sales not help.

    2) He hasn't found it cathartic as a process. He still sees his hunting by USADA/Tygart, etc. as not a good process and knows his credibility is poor. Well, if you have no appreciation for the ability to tell the truth then your credibility will never be improved.

    Financially, if he loses every law suit going then he can be viewed as someone who was 'lent' an enormous amount of money. He invested well and when giving it back has much more wealth than the loan and interest accumulated. As such, he has enough to be independently wealthy. Not a bad business proposition - who wants to give me $120m to try the same ploy?
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Books. No apostrophe.
    I'm lovin' your work. Ask a question then pedantically humiliate the responder to death.

    I think you should have started your post with 'I' to conform to the correct use of English.

    And my apostrophe is correct, by the way. :wink:
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    That was part of the evidence against him, right at the very bottom of page 165.. Crap use of apostrophe
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    GiantMike wrote:
    Books. No apostrophe.
    I'm lovin' your work. Ask a question then pedantically humiliate the responder to death.

    I think you should have started your post with 'I' to conform to the correct use of English.

    And my apostrophe is correct, by the way. :wink:
    So it would have been - "ibooks. No apostrophe."?
    Still not very good grammer and Apple may have something to say on the matter. :lol:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    No, I meant your first post:
    I have only heard parts of it so.....
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    izza wrote:

    Financially, if he loses every law suit going then he can be viewed as someone who was 'lent' an enormous amount of money. He invested well and when giving it back has much more wealth than the loan and interest accumulated. As such, he has enough to be independently wealthy. Not a bad business proposition - who wants to give me $120m to try the same ploy?

    Even taking into account legal costs?

    This is one instance where I would be happy to see the lawyers making a buck but if he still ends up independently wealthy then something is wrong, or even more wrong.
  • GiantMike wrote:
    Books. No apostrophe.
    I'm lovin' your work. Ask a question then pedantically humiliate the responder to death.

    I think you should have started your post with 'I' to conform to the correct use of English.

    And my apostrophe is correct, by the way. :wink:


  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Today in the Guardian: ... doping-uci

    "It's been tough," he said. "It's been real tough. I've paid a high price in terms of my standing within the sport, my reputation, certainly financially because the lawsuits have continued to pile up...I have experienced massive personal loss, massive loss of wealth while others have truly capitalised on this story."
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    RDW wrote:
    Today in the Guardian: ... doping-uci

    "It's been tough," he said. "It's been real tough. I've paid a high price in terms of my standing within the sport, my reputation, certainly financially because the lawsuits have continued to pile up...I have experienced massive personal loss, massive loss of wealth while others have truly capitalised on this story."

    Reminds me of the phrase - Be nice to people on the way up because you might meet them on the way down.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Reminds me of the phrase: don't be a cheatin' lyin' bullyin' douchebag because people will hate you.

  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,847
    Indemnity: I do not conform and I am too stupid to conform to the correct use of English.

    If a doctor was to say to you "You will never race again because you have had chemotherapy". I had that. I would have taken something to try to get back tot he level I was - not much of a level I may add. I would not have hesitated but I was not to know then that I had an awful lot more treatment and was in my early thirties before there was light at the end of the tunnel. Lance had won the World's in Norway, he was an improving cyclist and then got hit with the whammy.

    I am not justifying his actions. It is fine to lambast Lance but aren't we/haven't we blown the opportunity to blow the lid of the whole network that existed to support the doping? That is where the fingers must point too.
    My hero's of the past from Moser to Museeuw were all possibly taking something. God knows where you have to go back to before you had 'clean' cycling. Tom Simpson died as a direct result of some form of doping. No body said "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died because of drugs". Everybody sais "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died on Mont Ventoux".

    In this modern world where the demands on a sportstar from sponsorship to over-expectation put enormous pressure on individuals it is any wonder some 'cheat'? Coupled to that, the over adulation of joe public.
    Lance had the 'will he come back from cancer?' media hype. It went to his head, he cheated. He isn't the first and he won't be the last.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Indemnity: I do not conform and I am too stupid to conform to the correct use of English.

    If a doctor was to say to you "You will never race again because you have had chemotherapy". I had that. I would have taken something to try to get back tot he level I was - not much of a level I may add. I would not have hesitated but I was not to know then that I had an awful lot more treatment and was in my early thirties before there was light at the end of the tunnel. Lance had won the World's in Norway, he was an improving cyclist and then got hit with the whammy.

    I am not justifying his actions. It is fine to lambast Lance but aren't we/haven't we blown the opportunity to blow the lid of the whole network that existed to support the doping? That is where the fingers must point too.
    My hero's of the past from Moser to Museeuw were all possibly taking something. God knows where you have to go back to before you had 'clean' cycling. Tom Simpson died as a direct result of some form of doping. No body said "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died because of drugs". Everybody sais "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died on Mont Ventoux".

    In this modern world where the demands on a sportstar from sponsorship to over-expectation put enormous pressure on individuals it is any wonder some 'cheat'? Coupled to that, the over adulation of joe public.
    Lance had the 'will he come back from cancer?' media hype. It went to his head, he cheated. He isn't the first and he won't be the last.

  • Dopestrong is still a douchebag though.
  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    Indemnity: I do not conform and I am too stupid to conform to the correct use of English.

    If a doctor was to say to you "You will never race again because you have had chemotherapy". I had that. I would have taken something to try to get back tot he level I was - not much of a level I may add. I would not have hesitated but I was not to know then that I had an awful lot more treatment and was in my early thirties before there was light at the end of the tunnel. Lance had won the World's in Norway, he was an improving cyclist and then got hit with the whammy.

    In this modern world where the demands on a sportstar from sponsorship to over-expectation put enormous pressure on individuals it is any wonder some 'cheat'? Coupled to that, the over adulation of joe public.
    Lance had the 'will he come back from cancer?' media hype. It went to his head, he cheated. He isn't the first and he won't be the last.

    Unfortunately, he was doping before he was diagnosed with cancer. I know this is going over old ground but he started doping so that he could compete with the Europeans who were doping.
    He didn't have to, that's the point.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Indemnity: I do not conform and I am too stupid to conform to the correct use of English.

    If a doctor was to say to you "You will never race again because you have had chemotherapy". I had that. I would have taken something to try to get back tot he level I was - not much of a level I may add. I would not have hesitated but I was not to know then that I had an awful lot more treatment and was in my early thirties before there was light at the end of the tunnel. Lance had won the World's in Norway, he was an improving cyclist and then got hit with the whammy.

    I am not justifying his actions. It is fine to lambast Lance but aren't we/haven't we blown the opportunity to blow the lid of the whole network that existed to support the doping? That is where the fingers must point too.
    My hero's of the past from Moser to Museeuw were all possibly taking something. God knows where you have to go back to before you had 'clean' cycling. Tom Simpson died as a direct result of some form of doping. No body said "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died because of drugs". Everybody sais "Oh yes, Tom Simpson - the guy who died on Mont Ventoux".

    In this modern world where the demands on a sportstar from sponsorship to over-expectation put enormous pressure on individuals it is any wonder some 'cheat'? Coupled to that, the over adulation of joe public.
    Lance had the 'will he come back from cancer?' media hype. It went to his head, he cheated. He isn't the first and he won't be the last.
    My problem isnt the drug use. You can go as far back as you want and wont find a clean era.
    My problem is the extent too which he went to destroy those who tried too out him.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    he started doping so that he could compete with the Europeans who were doping.
    [/quote] Really? So his "coach" (the 'Merican one, not Ferarri) never injected him with 'roids (allegedly transmitting a herpatic virus, which may be linked with his cancer). I'd be surprised if he wasn't already on the gear as a hot shot junior triantelope.
  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    mm1 wrote:
    he started doping so that he could compete with the Europeans who were doping.
    Really? So his "coach" (the 'Merican one, not Ferarri) never injected him with 'roids (allegedly transmitting a herpatic virus, which may be linked with his cancer). I'd be surprised if he wasn't already on the gear as a hot shot junior triantelope.[/quote]

    You could well be right, there's a book called Wheelmen which tells the story of how US Postal owner Thom Weisman controlled US cycling and gave Armstrong the freedom to 'achieve' his wins. It looks a good read.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    ... I don't think Armstrong doped
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Mikey23 wrote:
    ... I don't think Armstrong doped
    This isnt the bullshit thread.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Oops, sorry
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Oops, sorry
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    Livestrong and prosper.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,847
    Jim453.2 wrote:
    Really good thread.

    Is that sarcasm?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    For me it isn't just the doping, it's his overall behaviour in relation to denying it, destroying, threatening and generally bullying others into not challenging him, his control of the media, his (alleged) overt influence on the cycling authorities, his arrogant attitude and the money he made from the sport.

    Anyone of them on their own and most people would just say, he's a cheat, or he's a nasty piece of work, or he's an arrogant twat, or he's a control freak, or he doesn't deserve the accolade BUT in combination he just comes across as a real sleazeball who does not deserve the money nor the media attention. If they stop reporting on him and let the courts crucify him he will gradually fade into history.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    Navrig wrote:
    For me it isn't just the doping, it's his overall behaviour in relation to denying it, destroying, threatening and generally bullying others into not challenging him, his control of the media, his (alleged) overt influence on the cycling authorities, his arrogant attitude and the money he made from the sport.

    Anyone of them on their own and most people would just say, he's a cheat, or he's a nasty piece of work, or he's an arrogant fool, or he's a control freak, or he doesn't deserve the accolade BUT in combination he just comes across as a real sleazeball who does not deserve the money nor the media attention. If they stop reporting on him and let the courts crucify him he will gradually fade into history.

    ^This. Let's hope the crucifixion is soon. Slow. Merciless.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • GiantMike wrote:
    Books. No apostrophe.
    I'm lovin' your work. Ask a question then pedantically humiliate the responder to death.

    I think you should have started your post with 'I' to conform to the correct use of English.

    And my apostrophe is correct, by the way. :wink:

    I've only just seen this thread around the correct use of English.

    Sentences shouldn't really be started with a conjunction. Your apostrophe wasn't correct.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    brianonyx wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    Books. No apostrophe.
    I'm lovin' your work. Ask a question then pedantically humiliate the responder to death.

    I think you should have started your post with 'I' to conform to the correct use of English.

    And my apostrophe is correct, by the way. :wink:

    I've only just seen this thread around the correct use of English.

    Sentences shouldn't really be started with a conjunction. Your apostrophe wasn't correct.
    Can sentence's be falsely started with a conjunction?
    The apostrophe looked correct to me. It may have been used incorrectly, but it looked to be correct.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.