ghost garmin heart rate

Simmo72 Posts: 262
edited November 2013 in Road general
Any idea why after a uploading a ride onto strava, it has recorded a heart rate for the entire ride even though I wasn't wearing a sensor and was solo for the entire duration? I assume its the garmin 500 playing up. Anyone has anything similar and do you know how to stop it?

Having moved from an android device to garmin i'm not overly impressed. I've had this on 2 rides, and also its recorded the wrong date/time on another ride even though the device is showing accurate times. Thinking about sending it back and having nice clean lines on the handlebars again.


  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    Make sure you have the latest firmware, if you have then you counld try a factory reset. ... es?caseId={af76b980-cd31-11e0-cf56-000000000000}
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    Mine did this the first time i rode my 500 without heart rate, afterwards it wouldnt read the heart rate at all.

    I went into the garmin settings and turned the heart rate on an off and then it detected the heart rate monitor and I went for a ride yesterday with out the HR monitor on and it worked fine.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    mine has picked up a heart rate monitor of cyclists on the opposite side of the road a couple of times, gives an average for the whole ride. - a site for sore eyes
  • Simmo72
    Simmo72 Posts: 262
    Cheers, I'll check the firmware and turn the heart rate off and on IT solution!