Problems stting up 3t ergonova bars.

carl69 Posts: 31
edited November 2013 in Workshop
I, m having problems stting up some 3t ergonova bars. When the hoods are set up properly the drops don, t seem to rotate round enough and it feels like I, m just holding the very ends when riding in the drops. However when I set them up so the drops are good then after adjusting the shifters so the reach is good my hands are angled downwards whilst on the hoods if this makes sense. I, ve adjusted them as per the instructions on 3t s website but can, t seem to get it right. Any tips or experiences would be gratefully received. Cheers.


  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    Perhaps a longer stem would place the bars in a position such that the hoods would not cause your hands to be angled downward while giving the same reach.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    I have the same problem. I have just moved the shifters higher so I now have my ideal tops/hoods positions, but the drops are now way too downward sloping for me. If it werent for the grippy cork bar tape I am using I would worry about my hands slipping off the bars on bumpy descents. I now regret buying these bars.