I have something massive planned

baldwin471 Posts: 366
edited November 2013 in Tour & expedition
Hello you lot. Haven't been on here for a long time due to travelling the blue marble.

So I have a massive tour planned.

London - Bangkok.

I've got money saved up and I'm ready to head off in January with a friend. Problem is, I have no touring experience.

I know that sounds stupid attempting something like this with no prior touring under the belt, but I want to experience as much as I can in the next year.

I've got my road bike, but I'm guessing I'll need a proper touring bike.

So firstly, any suggestions on a good touring bike?

Secondly, what kind of equipment do I need? Aside from the obvious (Tent, sleeping bag, rations etc)

I'm planning on hitting around 80-100km per day 6 days a week with a day off on the 7th.

Anyone here done something similar or know anyone who has? I'd love to talk to someone about it.

Thanks in advance, and hope everyone is well!



  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    A colleague did South Korea-UK on a motorbike a few years back.

    He wanted to go through Mongolia and Khazakhstan but was peruaded to just go through Russia. You need to carry some cash for when you get 'fined' by the police in Russia apparently.

    He had issues getting from Russia into the EU, but I guess you won't have that problem if you're going the other way.

    What route were you planning?
  • The lower route. Middle of Europe into Turkey, through Turkey into Iran, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh before going through Myanmar and down into Thailand.
  • Good luck getting from India into Myanmar legally, then out the other side. I don't think it's possible. I went out the top of Thailand into Burma for the day to renew my Thai Visa and wasn't allowed to go beyond a certain point. I needed a permit for the areas just outside the little town on the border. Look into it, things have changed in the last couple of years.

    I done a 4 month cycle tour of north India and Nepal last winter including a walk to Everest base camp, it was amazing and easily the best experience of my life. I've decided I'll only travel by bike from now on. No more back packing.

    The northern plains of India are not that interesting, you'd have to zig zag your way across them to take in all the more interesting stuff. Instead you'd be better going up into Nepal, through the western border crossing and all the way to Darjeeling, through the eastern border, then to Kolkata and fly to Thailand. Nepal is awesome.
  • I was pleased with myself for riding Blackpool to Bridlington C2C but you folk are hardcore!

    Good luck "baldwin471" - If you're planning to log your travels online, I'd love to follow what happens.Link?
  • I was pleased with myself for riding Blackpool to Bridlington C2C but you folk are hardcore!

    Good luck "baldwin471" - If you're planning to log your travels online, I'd love to follow what happens.Link?

    Thanks buddy. I certainly will. I have a website from my travels so far, and I'll keep it updated as I go. http://www.apertravel.com
  • CJ Bill
    CJ Bill Posts: 415
    I did Manchester to Vietnam in 2009/ 2010 (albeit with a short plane hop from India to Malaysia). Heading off in January is... brave... It'll make camping problematic, unless you don't mind springing for hotels. When I think of my commute during January, the idea of six hours a day is not one I'd relish. Still each to their own.

    Crazy Guy On A Bike is always a good resource. Look for other peoples blogs. Get a copy of the Adventure Cycle Touring Handbook

    Good luck, enjoy, it'll be a hoot, I would offer up more details but I fly into Hanoi on Monday for four and half months of cycling SE Asia and I'm a little pre-occupied.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Whats the blue marble?
  • rodgers73 wrote:
    Whats the blue marble?
    This, I think...
  • Before you go, try out the bike/gear on some short trips.

    As you will ride through Europe, you can easily buy anything extra you need.

    I've toured Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Thailand.

    What is your budget for a bike?

    As has ben stated abpove, crossing into Burma is a no-no at the moment, but things could change.
    It's an uphill climb to the bottom