Cycling car stickers

secretsam Posts: 5,120
edited November 2013 in The cake stop

As some will know, I am a mild-mannered, even tempered and moderate-viewed sort.

What I want is an antidote to those hateful "I slow down for horses/my dog is my life, not for Xmas/(driver with the mind of a) baby on board" stickers

Any amusing cyclist friendly ones out there? I already have a Darwin Fish to annoy the bible myopics...:D

It's just a hill. Get over it.


  • airbag
    airbag Posts: 201
    edited November 2013

    Am I doing this right?

    I believe "share the road" and "think bike" type stickers exist, but - you yourself said you hate "I slow down for horses" stickers: being honest, what makes you think anyone else would have any other reaction to a moralising cycling sticker?

    If you're going down that route, just get something that commemorates something you personally find awesome about cycling. Maybe a ride you've done, a ride you want to do - but something that, whenever you see the sticker, makes you happy.

    That's probably the closest thing you can do to making the roads a better place, anyway - reminding people that you can, if you want, choose to be a person who uses whatever form of transport they damn well want to, because it gives them pleasure to do so - and that that's far better than being "a motorist" or "a cyclist".

    Edit: for a fun PS, consider that bumper stickers don't always convey what they say they are conveying.
  • How about one that says,"I don't pay road tax either". Many cyclists will get the sentiment but it'll annoy the uneducated motorists.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    seen these...

    does this bike make my ass look fast
    every lane is a cycle lane
    real men ride bikes
    cyclists can go on for hours
    life is a game - cycling is serious

    bit lame though :D

    kinda think you meant more like...

    My other ride is your mamma :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    airbag wrote:
    I believe "share the road" and "think bike" type stickers exist, but - you yourself said you hate "I slow down for horses" stickers: being honest, what makes you think anyone else would have any other reaction to a moralising cycling sticker?

    You make a strong and valid point. Fair enough, I shall be more tolerant of walking lasagnes in future

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • I have long contemplated designing and printing a sticker for cyclists to carry; it would say

    "Dear Police - I drive my car while holding my mobile phone and often cause danger to cyclists and other road users - please arrest me now!"

    I could then just pop one of those on the rear bumper or boot lid of every car that goes past me with a driver either talking or texting on the 'phone, and see what happens.

    I would need as lot of them though - a pannier's worth!

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Raymondo60 wrote:
    "Dear Police - I drive my car while holding my mobile phone and often cause danger to cyclists and other road users - please arrest me now!"

    It's a bit wordy for a sticker but I like the idea. This could be another way to attract attention and get the message across.

  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    aerial first...
  • JackPozzi
    JackPozzi Posts: 1,191
    If I was on my bike I'd be much easier to overtake.

    It would require driving everywhere at ~12mph to have maximal impact though...