SKS: Chromoplastic or Bluemels mudguards?

on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
edited October 2013 in Road buying advice
Not sure what the difference is except one has a reflector on the back. Which are lighter and what is the difference?


  • Type of fixings.
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  • ovi
    ovi Posts: 396
    bluemels are aluminium and slightly heavier but fix on the bike the same as the chromplastics. I have Bluemels on the cyclocross bike and used chromoplastics for winter riding on a road bike


  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    ovi wrote:
    bluemels are aluminium and slightly heavier but fix on the bike the same as the chromplastics. I have Bluemels on the cyclocross bike and used chromoplastics for winter riding on a road bike

    The Bluemels I have are not aluminium. They are pretty much the same construction as Chromoplastics albeit squarer in profile and either can be had in silver or black irrc. Chromoplastics also have black stripes running down them which apparently are conductive to allow a light to be mounted on the mudguard with battery elsewhere. Chromoplastics also seem to come with a front mudflap.

    While I'm here I'll have a quick whinge about the shoddiness of the seatstay mount (a flimsy piece of aluminium with inadequate asjustability and the chainstay bridge mount that I have no idea of how it is supposed to help!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    Just bought some Bluemels to replace my broken chromoplastics as the matt black version come with long mudflaps - good for group riding.
  • ovi
    ovi Posts: 396
    mine have aluminium in them which is covered in plastic similar to the chromoplastics
  • bobones
    bobones Posts: 1,215
    I've had the matte black Blumels: nice guards but both sets cracked on the rear arch after a few months. I replaced them (under warranty) with SKS Longboards which have superior coverage, better mud-flaps and have proved more sturdy so far. I'm not sure if the Blumels are not as strongly built as the Chromoplastics, however I'm sure I read somewhere that the Chromoplastics have stainless fittings whereas the Bluemels don't. I don't like the reflector on the Chromoplastics and the front-only flap is a bit weedy so it's Longboards for me every time.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    bobones wrote:
    I'm not sure if the Blumels are not as strongly built as the Chromoplastics, however I'm sure I read somewhere that the Chromoplastics have stainless fittings whereas the Bluemels don't.

    No sign of the fittings dulling on my Bluemels so far. They certainly look like they are stainless steel.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • jordan_217
    jordan_217 Posts: 2,580
    Fittings on the Chromeplastics seems solid to me. Hence why hacksawing the mounts for a good fit was a PITA. These are my first 'proper' mudguards and I'm really pleased with them. Coverage is fine and kept both myself and my drivetrain largely free of crud over the latest bout of wet weather.

    I wish I bought these sooner......
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