Thursday Morning Thread...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited October 2013 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

Well yesterday was a bit of a hellish day. My minion ended up winding up so many people, I'm surprised he wasn't punched! The thing was, I could see this all unfolding from where I was stood as my minion kept updating me on what was happening I would think 'that isn't good'. Then got called away where someone made a complaint about him. I had a word with him, and brought up a shoot load of other stuff too.

Hopefully today will be a better day. We'll see....

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • cicatriz
    cicatriz Posts: 411
    Today is shaping up to be about as exciting as yesterday was and not a lot happened yesterday. I think an early finish will be on the cards.

    Good badminton session last night then a couple of beers to rehydrate but feeling surprisingly rough this morning. Obviously not got the 'H' gene.

    Cake making minion has returned today so I'll need to go and rummage for some offerings.

  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Morning retards.

    Well today is going to be a bit shit, a bit like yesterday tbh. I've had some problems with my new Stanton frame, the seat tube was ovalised so wasn't clamping the post properly. Spoke to Dan at Stanton, no worries, send me the old frame, I'll pop the headset in the new frame and then send it back. Job done I though... I could not have been more wrong. That was meant to happen last wednesday, but problems with his PC meant it was left til this week, so my belief was the frame was being picked by a courier as it was meant to be last wednesday. Door bell rings, man stood at door with bike box, great box for me to send it back in... Feels bloody heavy for an empty box... Sign for it and the bloke buggers off. Strange he should be taking it back with him. Open the box and there's the new frame in it... OK. "0 minutes later another courier shows up, saying he's got a bike frame to pick up. It still had the headset in so explained the situation. No worries he said, I'll come back tomorrow once you've spoken to the guy...

    After a chat with Dan I could either send the old frame back with the headset in, he'd press it out and post it back to me, so I'd still have to get the LBS to put in the new frame, or I could get the LBS to take it out of the frame this morning before the courier comes to pick it up and then put it in the new frame. Still undecided before I went to bed yesterday, I though I'd do a quick comparison of the frames, just to check how far out the old seat tube was...

    Pop my reverb into the new frame... CLUNK. Ehhhh? The top of the seat tube on the new frame has got a huge flat spot and the seatpost wouldn't even fit in the frame!!!!! :shock: I've had some bad luck in the past but this is bloody ridiculous!! I eventually managed after much swearing and cursing to get the post in, and you can visually see there's a gap between the tube and post on one side, feck it's worse than the first frame that was faulty!!! So I'm taking both frames down to the LBS this morning to confirm that they're both faulty. I would check at home if the new frame will still clamp properly, but the seat clamp bolt I snapped trying to sort the first frame still hasn't materialised from Hope yet...

    I just want to ride a bike, is it too much to ask?! :( Haven't ridden since the CCC2CC, so 3 weeks, was properly excited that Id finished the ride and felt fitter than ever, now I've had 3 weeks sitting around at uni doing feck all except bloody bikes out... What sucks even more is it's the first Uni DH race of the year this weekend, which again I was really excited for, new bike, haven't ridden for a while, have a laugh at the freshers and it'll all be dandy... As it stands I've got another weekend of no riding ahead of me and I'll no doubt be drowning my sorrows very shortly.

    Suppose I better go and try this out and get down to the LBS for opening time.

  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Lawman, that sucks. Unlucky.

    Morning bumders

    I'm hanging. Good night last night though, curry and wine before moving on to Leicester Square, vodka, jäger etc. etc. Today will be PS3 doing some shit on GTA that isn't socailly acceptable in Englandshire. I may go into uni, I'm undecided.

  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2013
    Lawman - That's massivelywank. Should get a Bfe!

    Morning nobbers,

    My new tv has just been delivered. Will be having an early finish to test it out with a spot of fifa.

  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    lawman wrote:
    Morning retards.

    Well today is going to be a bit shoot, a bit like yesterday tbh. I've had some problems with my new Stanton frame, the seat tube was ovalised so wasn't clamping the post properly. Spoke to Dan at Stanton, no worries, send me the old frame, I'll pop the headset in the new frame and then send it back. Job done I though... I could not have been more wrong. That was meant to happen last wednesday, but problems with his PC meant it was left til this week, so my belief was the frame was being picked by a courier as it was meant to be last wednesday. Door bell rings, man stood at door with bike box, great box for me to send it back in... Feels bloody heavy for an empty box... Sign for it and the bloke buggers off. Strange he should be taking it back with him. Open the box and there's the new frame in it... OK. "0 minutes later another courier shows up, saying he's got a bike frame to pick up. It still had the headset in so explained the situation. No worries he said, I'll come back tomorrow once you've spoken to the guy...

    After a chat with Dan I could either send the old frame back with the headset in, he'd press it out and post it back to me, so I'd still have to get the LBS to put in the new frame, or I could get the LBS to take it out of the frame this morning before the courier comes to pick it up and then put it in the new frame. Still undecided before I went to bed yesterday, I though I'd do a quick comparison of the frames, just to check how far out the old seat tube was...

    Pop my reverb into the new frame... CLUNK. Ehhhh? The top of the seat tube on the new frame has got a huge flat spot and the seatpost wouldn't even fit in the frame!!!!! :shock: I've had some bad luck in the past but this is bloody ridiculous!! I eventually managed after much swearing and cursing to get the post in, and you can visually see there's a gap between the tube and post on one side, feck it's worse than the first frame that was faulty!!! So I'm taking both frames down to the LBS this morning to confirm that they're both faulty. I would check at home if the new frame will still clamp properly, but the seat clamp bolt I snapped trying to sort the first frame still hasn't materialised from Hope yet...

    I just want to ride a bike, is it too much to ask?! :( Haven't ridden since the CCC2CC, so 3 weeks, was properly excited that Id finished the ride and felt fitter than ever, now I've had 3 weeks sitting around at uni doing feck all except bloody bikes out... What sucks even more is it's the first Uni DH race of the year this weekend, which again I was really excited for, new bike, haven't ridden for a while, have a laugh at the freshers and it'll all be dandy... As it stands I've got another weekend of no riding ahead of me and I'll no doubt be drowning my sorrows very shortly.

    Suppose I better go and try this out and get down to the LBS for opening time.

    Gutted lol.

    Morning all,

    Today is CAD, reports, tea and rollies. Keep it simples.

  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Evening bummers..

    Lawman.. that sucks get a discount!!

    Today swim at lunch time, free food. then prep food to marinade overnight for a parental visit.

    Stroll on the weekend!
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Evening bummers..

    Lawman.. that sucks get a discount!!

    Today swim at lunch time, free food. then prep food to marinade overnight for a parental visit.

    Stroll on the weekend!

    I'm gonna push for the Ti frame!! :lol:

    Just been down the LBS and confirmed what I already knew, warranty frame has a huge flat spot at the top of the seat tube, tried various seat clamps and nothing would clamp it, so know I have two buggered frames and shall spend another day waiting around for a courier to pick up the first frame and ring Stanton to sort out the second one :roll:

    Just to make my morning even better, we've got no hot water in the flat, so it was a fooking cold shower this morning and the taxi driver I used to take me down to the LBS with both frames short changed me, so I'm a fiver down for my troubles as well :cry: I might just go crawl into a corner and cry!
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    slackline 631 £385, slackline ti £1250. That's one hell of a discount!
  • Morning homos!

    My shim arrived for the FF29 today, my reverb was fitted within 3 seconds with no fuss at all.

    In other news, I've had zero problems with my new frame, everything fitted as it's supposed to, and Kinesis even did me a great deal because I bought frame, forks, more forks, and wheels all from them. Then the LBS did a deal on their deal so I was even more quids in.

    I don't need to send anything back because it's full of win.

    It was cold this morning so I had a nice hot shower.

    I might go up to the LBS this afternoon, I'll drive.

    Jus' sayin' is all.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Morning homos!

    My shim arrived for the FF29 today, my reverb was fitted within 3 seconds with no fuss at all.

    In other news, I've had zero problems with my new frame, everything fitted as it's supposed to, and Kinesis even did me a great deal because I bought frame, forks, more forks, and wheels all from them. Then the LBS did a deal on their deal so I was even more quids in.

    I don't need to send anything back because it's full of win.

    It was cold this morning so I had a nice hot shower.

    I might go up to the LBS this afternoon, I'll drive.

    Jus' sayin' is all.

    And if Kinesis made a bike like the Slackline I'd buy it in an instant! :lol: Shame my new forks wont fit in my old maxlight frame, could have built that back up as I've still got it :(
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    Morning homos!

    My shim arrived for the FF29 today, my reverb was fitted within 3 seconds with no fuss at all.

    In other news, I've had zero problems with my new frame, everything fitted as it's supposed to, and Kinesis even did me a great deal because I bought frame, forks, more forks, and wheels all from them. Then the LBS did a deal on their deal so I was even more quids in.

    I don't need to send anything back because it's full of win.

    It was cold this morning so I had a nice hot shower.

    I might go up to the LBS this afternoon, I'll drive.

    Jus' sayin' is all.

  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    slackline 631 £385, slackline ti £1250. That's one hell of a discount!

    Well considering I've had two frames already and both are farked, by the time he sends another 631 he may as well just send a Ti!! :lol:
  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    Hmm I will hate you if you get it. I may steal it from you.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    Tbh I'll settle for a 631 that I can actually ride! It is such a nice bike, but I'm losing patience. Thing is the only other frame that everything I have will fit on for similar cash is the Cotic BFe, which whilst nice, I'm between sizes and neither the 17.5" or 19" would fit me properly. Main reason I went for the Slackline, it has everything I want and it looks fantastic. I just want to ride my bike :(
  • Richie63
    Richie63 Posts: 2,132
    Evening All

    After a day skiing at Chillfactor - Manchester ( other snow venues are not available there) I might go and have a long laze in a hot bath or even a shower.
    I'm going to blow the bank on a new build ( within reason ) NOW DONE!! ... 010362.jpg
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    lawman wrote:
    slackline 631 £385, slackline ti £1250. That's one hell of a discount!

    Well considering I've had two frames already and both are farked, by the time he sends another 631 he may as well just send a Ti!! :lol:

    Bearing in mind they've already sent you two borked steel frames, would you trust them with something as temperamental as Ti?

    Something to ponder! :lol:
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Morning homos!

    Says the man with a 29er with optional suspension forks.

    Is that how you like it - large in diameter and rigid?

    Oooo Matron!
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,402
    Evening Tards,

    Absolute **** of a day, I'm out for beer shortly. That is all.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,297
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Evening Tards,

    Absolute **** of a day, I'm out for beer shortly. That is all.

    + Potato (except I'm not going out for a beer - that was last night)
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Good Evening Freaks!

    Mr Lawman - that sucks.


    Today has mostly involved me desperately trying not to start a war. Had to go and take a 30 minute walk outside before I blew something up. :evil:

    Highlight of the day has been my commute home, nice weather and no BMW drivers being muppets.

    Tonight, Mrs Cap is making "home made bath bombs". What could possibly go wrong... :shock:

  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Hoy, Hoy Tw@s

    Had a few drinks apres work, now am nicely H'd!

    It involved beers from around the globe!

    Fryday inbound, sorted!
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    matthew h wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Evening Tards,

    Absolute **** of a day, I'm out for beer shortly. That is all.

    + Potato (except I'm not going out for a beer - that was last night)

    + fries. Contemplating going to bed already.
