Idiot Tenant

TheNorthernTrain Posts: 1,049
edited October 2013 in The Crudcatcher
Really not happy, my tenant is a knob thats all i can say!!

He rarely gets in touch with me and it's been a few years since I've heard from him. That works for me, nothing worse than whining tenants. Anyway, I called yesterday and asked if I could pop round as it was necessary to service the boiler. So anyway, the tenant didn't have a problem I explained I didn't know much about what went on and presumed it would just be the boiler, I didn't know if there would need to be access to the gas meter etc.

So, I turned up today with the gas engineer and as it turns out the lad did need access to the gas meter but this chap had all his expensive bikes in the way, which being a bike enthusiast myself, I said were nice and very expensive but i'd have to move them. Luckily for me, this chump didn't take bike security very seriously, so it wasn't a massive issue.

Since getting home I've had a call from this moron asking why I didn't say they needed access as I had to move his precious bikes. I did try to explain I wasn't a gas engineer myself so didn't actually know and it was never mentioned to me by the gas men. Anyway, I've discovered they both work and that there isn't a burglar alarm installed in the property, so I hope for his sake that he beefs up his security, it'd be a shame if any of his nice, expensive bikes were to go missing.

Go big or go home.
