Strava - all rides flagged from Garmin Forerunner

jonnyboy77 Posts: 547
edited October 2013 in Commuting chat
I've been using my Gamrin Forerunner 210 to log my rides for the last few weeks as mt trusty old Edge 205 has started to fail.

This setup was working just fine until this week, when all of sudden every ride I log is being flagged as soon as I upload it. Strava initially recognises the ride as a run, but in the first screen (Save & Edit?) I change it to a Ride, add the Bike etc. Strava then tells me its Changing the Activity Type but the flag remains, and there's no PR data.

Not a massive issue, I still keep the essentials like the route and km's ridden - but its annoying. Anyone else having similar issues? I have reported this to Strava via their Support channel, but it might take a while to get picked up by the looks of it.

I'm looking for a workaround, but not found it yet. My idea is to see if I can edit the .fit files and change the activity type there.

- Jon
Commuting between Twickenham <---> Barbican on my trusty Ridgeback Hybrid - url=]strava[/url