bike insurance

damonlock Posts: 170
edited October 2013 in MTB buying advice
Hi guys im sure this has been done before but had a look and not found what i was looking for, i need bike insurance to cover my bikes for being stolen from home kept in the house and garage and maybe while in van to, problem i have is i live in rented flat and im not allowed to install ground anchor so that rules out most bike specific company's as they require it to be locked to an immovable item, so other option is to cover them under contents insurance but im struggling to find anyone that will cover bikes that cost more than £1500 each!

So would really appreciate your help and experience!!

many thanks



  • esure
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    Merida Cross 4
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  • on my morethan policy - I am insured for 5k worth of bike - either 1 5k bike or several cheaper ones. They stipulated that the bike must be kept in the house and the doors must have modern style 5 point locks. You'll have to ring around a few of these insurers to find what suits your living arrangements and their policies unfortunately.
  • damonlock
    damonlock Posts: 170
    cheers for the info guy will call them up today
  • sofaboy73
    sofaboy73 Posts: 574
    on direct line, as long as they are kept in the house (not garage, shed or any outbuilding), bikes come under general contents with a single item limit of 15K. they definately pay out on this as got mine stolen last year, was assuming the worst and i would get 1.5K max, and they paid out 5K towards a shiny new carbon nomad as the old bike was stolen from the house
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    What rubbish policies - got to be kept in house.

    Try Aviva - up to 2.5k per bike, they'll insure it anywhere so long as its suitably locked up or away i.e. in a shed, garage, fence with a decent lock but no stipulation on lock it'll just help your claim if is a good one.

    It cost me £62 extra to have the 2.5k limit on any number of bikes, which also covers accidental damage anywhere.

    Obviously the amount charged is subject to loads of factors such as the area you live in.

    M&S also cover bikes up to 4k individually with the same cover as Aviva, but they were a damn sight more expensive.
  • damonlock
    damonlock Posts: 170
    i have done a quote with john lewis and they will cover bike of any value if its listed on the policy includes in house garage/shed and van plus covered while it is out with you, doesn't need to be chained up in the house only if in garage/shed

    so has anyone here used them??


  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    damonlock wrote:
    i have done a quote with john lewis and they will cover bike of any value if its listed on the policy includes in house garage/shed and van plus covered while it is out with you, doesn't need to be chained up in the house only if in garage/shed

    so has anyone here used them??



    Yes, just renewed ours with them on their 'premium' policy I think it's called.

    That covers bikes up to a total value of £5000 with an individual limit per bike of £1000.

    We then specified two more expensive bikes with values of £2300 and £1800 each.

    Like you say they are covered in the house and outbuildings and all you need to do is to make some attempt at securing them, no specific requirements for a particular type of lock or anything.

    Very good in my opinion :)
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • @ Briggo - It kinda went without saying that the bike is insured if I leave the house with it :| (accidental damage and theft so long as reasonable steps have been taken to secure it).... If some insurers insure pricey bikes in sheds, fine. Although I can see why many are cagey about it given how valuable and desirable these bikes are...
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Tom Barton wrote:
    @ Briggo - It kinda went without saying that the bike is insured if I leave the house with it :| (accidental damage and theft so long as reasonable steps have been taken to secure it).... If some insurers insure pricey bikes in sheds, fine. Although I can see why many are cagey about it given how valuable and desirable these bikes are...

    It went without saying did it? Not really as insurance policies vary and anything can go.

    Considering you said it was only insured whilst locked in the house, cover away from the home is most of the time an optional extra if provided at all on certain high value items.

    You'll find a large amount of policies insure bikes in a locked shed/storage etc if you check, some may have specific rules relating to that i.e. bike can't be visible from the outside or has to be locked to a secure anchor.
  • There's no need to be so picky.... :|

    The OP asked about insurance for a bike in a flat/house and I shared my experience. I then amended that the bike was insured to be ridden with accidental damage cover and explained I thought it might have been obvious such a valuable bike was covered outside the house and I finally alluded (in the spirit of common sense) that the less security the bike has, the less likely it would be to get cover or it may cost more.

    I apologise that I didn't give him a full and comprehensive run down of my insurance details and fully brief him on the ins and outs of wise insurance shopping. I see the error of my ways and look forward to annoying you again with more posts that won't have small print and utilise vague colloquialisms (cagey does not mean 'won't' - it implies 'caution').....

  • IDave
    IDave Posts: 223
    Tom Barton wrote:
    There's no need to be so picky.... :|

    Try saying that to your insurance company and see how far it gets you!
  • IDave wrote:
    Tom Barton wrote:
    There's no need to be so picky.... :|

    Try saying that to your insurance company and see how far it gets you!

    Yawn - read my post fully :roll: .... this is why this forum gets a bad rep - people ask simple questions, and people give straightforward answers and unfortunately on occasion the sphincter police decide to try discredit other peoples opinions/experiences with this odd 'holier than thou' attitude.
  • damonlock
    damonlock Posts: 170
    cheers for your input guys think im going to go with john lewis will cover the 2 bike i have now 1 @ £3900 and other @ £1100 and will be able to add more in future
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    I see what Briggo is getting at Tom - most insurers won't cover high value items away from home unless that cover is specified, it's far from obvious. So actually you may well find that it's literally only covered when in the house by default. Fine for some people who never leave their bikes anywhere, but don't assume.

    Many will also have limits on outbuilding cover, but will let you specific high value bikes that exceed that. AA spring to mind. It's not explicit and actually all the details really matter.

    M&S used to be the gold standard, but they now only cover up to £1k on new business unless you specify, at which point they become extortionate. I imagine they got burned by having hundreds of people with very expensive bikes. It's underwritten by Axa, who don't have anything like the same wording, we may see M&S go elsewhere and it may improve again.
  • damonlock
    damonlock Posts: 170
    sorted went with john lewis in the end very helpful