Speeplay X1 adjustments?

fireflyonwall Posts: 5
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
Just bought a used road bike (Fisher Rail Super) with Speedplay X1 pedals included. After being advised to keep them (I had perfectly fine Shimano and shoes and was considering re-selling the Speedplays), I bought the appropriate shoes and cleats and installed them according to directions with shims etc. But I don't think I've got it right as they are hard to get into and pop out all the time. I'm sure its some rookie mistake as according to users they never pop out and are easy to get into. Ive rechecked the cleat installation but don't see anything wrong.. Does someone have any advice on what Ive messed up?



  • Make sure the base plate is not bowed against the sole of the shoe. It doesn't have to be perfectly flat but close. The recommended shims don't always give the best setup so don't be afraid to experiment. The four screws of the top plate need to be tight but not gorilla tight which can also cause the problems you described. Make sure you use some dry lube (chain wax/dry lubes work great) on the pedal surface and grooves and also on the mating surfaces/spring wire of the cleat. Speedplays can sometimes be a little stiff to use at first but loosen up with a few miles.
  • Thanks, I try that. They are looser now than new but still pop out, sometimes during gear changes!
  • indyp
    indyp Posts: 735
    Are they definately set-up correctly? Sounds like the plate could be on the wrong way.
  • I thought so but will check again.
  • indyp
    indyp Posts: 735
    If it helps, the longer part of the broken circle, where you clip in, must sit towards the heel of the shoe. If it's the other way around the cleat won't sit on the pedal correctly.
  • Its not that. That part's good.