Tri bars and a sportive

Dunk_911 Posts: 239
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
Pretty much as the title suggests!

I always have my tri bars on my bike being a triathlete and I have never actually done a sportive before. I know that group rides generally dislike tri bars but will I have to take them off for the sportive or will the organisers not be bothered?


Dunk :)


  • I think some sportive actually prohibit them, while others don't.

    Generally I think the received opinion is not to use them when riding in a group because of the reduced control/braking.

    So I'd leave them on and use them when you're Billy-no-mates and on your own. Which of course you will be for much of the time 'cos you'll be so fast with them!
  • Usually the organisers will not be bothered but the people you are riding with on the other hand may be... I rode with someone using tri bars on a 90 mile sportive and thought he was putting us in danger when frankly there was no need, he seemed very unstable compared to the rest of the front group. If your riding with a group the benefits of actually using tri-bars are slim to non. Personally i wouldnt use them for a sportive and would keep them for Time trials and Triathlons
    Check out my blog for my views and reviews:
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Can't you cope riding without them? :wink:
  • I've ridden two sportives recently and one explicitly stated they were permitted, the other said they were forbidden.

    I'd double check the sportive you're interested in and see what their rules are. To be safe though, I'd be tempted to remove them, even if they are permitted you'd look slitly strange if you were the only one with them on and some people might not riding with you.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,162
    I've seen them used in the few sportives I've done. I'm not sure why anyone bothers with them when you have 8,000 feet of climbing in a 100 mile ride though and I'd ban them if I were an organiser.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    BrandonA wrote:
    I've ridden two sportives recently and one explicitly stated they were permitted, the other said they were forbidden.

    I don't see how they can stop you riding tri bars.
  • Ahh OK. Thanks for the replies. I can't really be bothered to take them off unless I have to so I will check the rules! :D

    Thanks again,


    PS when I am in a group I am normally on the hoods and it's not as though I'm a liability when I use them. I'd like to think am pretty careful and considerate around other riders.
  • Imposter wrote:
    BrandonA wrote:
    I've ridden two sportives recently and one explicitly stated they were permitted, the other said they were forbidden.

    I don't see how they can stop you riding tri bars.
    Not let you start?
    I am not disagreeing with the use/ not use of them but if they organisers saw your bike on the start line with bars and decided not to let you start , of course you could just ride the route unofficially ... i know a guy does this so he does not pay the start fee but still partakes of the food stop which of course is a bit naughty .
    As for tri bars when your on your own i cant see the problem but in a group it could be a bit dodgy , mind you last year i did the cannock sportive and did not get a single group all the way round !
    FCN 3/5/9
  • The sportives I've ridden have said trial bars are fine but not to use them in a bunch. I think the last one I did said marshals could disqualify anyone seen using them when in a group.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • paul_mck
    paul_mck Posts: 1,058
    full tribars or clip ons?

    if clipons then just dont use them. saw a MTB with clipon tribars at a sportive this year lol.
  • They are clip ons.

    Have just checked the rules and they are allowed. Let's go supersonic!

    EDIT* Suppose I should have just checked the rules in the first place eh? :P
  • I'd take a view depending on the terrain. Very flat = why not. Anything else = forget it.
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    The sportives I've ridden have said trial bars are fine but not to use them in a bunch. I think the last one I did said marshals could disqualify anyone seen using them when in a group.

    Disqualify you from what?

    A Sportive is just a mass ride organised for a set day and time. The timing is unofficial and as most people run a GPS or stopwatch saying their time will not be published is hardly a hardship.
  • Certain quite well known sportives I've entered did say in their rules that tri-bars were prohibited. However printed adverts for the very same sportives showed riders with tri-bars in the photos! Perhaps they'll say just to cover themselves. I've seen plenty of riders on time trial bikes at sportives as well.

    As long as you're sensible and don't use them when you're with other riders, it really isn't a problem.

    I have Profile T2 DL (which are very short) tri-bars on my road bike, but the arm rest pads are removed unless I'm doing a hilly time trial.


  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,160
    edited September 2013
    I noticed that there were very few using even clip-ons in yesterday's WC Tri event in London - I was a bit surprised. Presumably because a fairly technical course? (Drafting rules seem to have changed since last event I saw too - maybe related?).

    Edit - maybe should have googled first - all clear now. Elite - drafting yes bars no.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    There are drafting and non-drafting tris. No point using aero bars in a draft legal tri.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Even in triathlons where you can use them - you'll find most of the field unable to ride that position for more than a few minutes anyway.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    cougie wrote:
    Even in triathlons where you can use them - you'll find most of the field unable to ride that position for more than a few minutes anyway.

    What? I can hold a much more aggressive position for 12 hours as can many others. Why can't triathletes?
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Grill wrote:
    There are drafting and non-drafting tris. No point using aero bars in a draft legal tri.

    Well although I think more Olympic distance pro triathletes went without tri-bars than with, there were a good few using tri-bars. In the men's race you'd have seen a couple of the guys at the front of the 2nd group on their tri-bars. The position will get them a little narrower rather than low, so I suppose every little helps.

    I don't think the Brownlees or Gomez used them at Hyde Park or do use them in WTS races in general.

  • I've done a few wiggle sportives. They say on their blurb no tri bars but I have seen plenty use them. I dont think anyone is bothered unless you are trying to get a record on the day? - (its not supposed to be a race they say!) Ive seen full on TT bikes do 70 mile ish sportives. I'm surprised they ban them as I like to see a good cross section of bikes. Each to their own?
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,160
    The thing that strikes me is the guys doing the 'invisible bars' thing with their forearms on the tops. Would surely be safer to allow short clip-ons?
  • Navrig wrote:
    The sportives I've ridden have said trial bars are fine but not to use them in a bunch. I think the last one I did said marshals could disqualify anyone seen using them when in a group.

    Disqualify you from what?

    A Sportive is just a mass ride organised for a set day and time. The timing is unofficial and as most people run a GPS or stopwatch saying their time will not be published is hardly a hardship.

    I don't know! I don't use tri bars! I'm just reporting what I've seen!

    I would think they could take off number, timing chip etc, so not allowed to use feed stations, no official time no goodie bag, no broom wagon, no mechanical help or first aid. Possibly refused entry to future events. Why don't you find out?
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    I don't see any problem with people using them myself as long as they're not idiots. I have clip-ons on my winter bike as a comfort thing and they do help a bit if you're on the front of a group. I wouldn't use them in a group unless I'm on the front though but I find myself solo or with just the odd riding buddy 90% of the time when doing a sportive.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Tri bars often equal triathletes - and whilst some are great at bike handling - position yourself outside any T1 at any triathlon and you'll see them mounting their bikes and falling off or riding into pavements with alarming regularity.

    Its a good place to watch. :-)