unable to get top gear

Lewishoops Posts: 27
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
new to bike mechanics, is it a simple fix to get top gear as chain just rattles and doesnt drop in. top gear i.e smallest cog.


  • Two likely things could be causing this, one is that the limiter screw isn't set correctly so the mech isn't shifting across far enough, or 2, if you've previously tightened the cable to keep the shifting working, you've over tightened it and the mech isn't free to move far enough across.
    Good news is both of these are easy to sort and just require a screwdriver and/or alan key.
    First thing to check is when the shifter is set to the smallest cog, is the limiter screw touching the stop-plate.

    Does that make sense?
    Music, beer, sport, repeat...
  • thanks for advice, have not worked on bike before so all new to me but sounds simple enough
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    If the cable is loose when you should be in the highest gear it's probably the limit screw, but only give it a quarter turn before testing each time until it's right - you don't want the chain getting stuck between top gear & the frame. If the cable is tight it needs slackening off a bit so you can either adjust the barrel adjuster near the hoods for fine adjustment or the thumbscrew on the rear mech (where the cable enters the mech) for a coarser adjustment. Again, a quarter turn then check it till it's right is adequate.

    Bonus to anyone suggesting tuning into to Dave on the telly. Top Gear is always on there.