My new commute

matt581 Posts: 219
edited September 2013 in Commuting chat
Due to a change in personal circumstances I will soon be commuting every day. For those in the area i have to go from Yate to Avonmouth, about 15 miles each way.

This should hopefully soon get my fitness up.....or kill me! I have done similar commutes in the past but only two or three times a week.

If anyone knows the area, what would you suggest route wise. I wa sthinking down badminton road, along the ring road. up over past filton and southmead (i won't be stopping at this point) and down through shirehampton.


  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    you're doing it twice each way?
  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    Sorry meant its 15 miles there, 15 miles back from yate to avonmouth. I'm more excited about it i thimk....
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    you double posted ... ;) - which has now been removed ... so ... oh bugger!