Bike Painting Colours ?



  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Either or/neither nor.
    My way sounds much less clumsy.

    You can stop digging now.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad wrote:
    My way sounds much less clumsy.

    No, it's just wrong (and sounds far more clumsy). Ironic that someone who so often descends to petty pedantry re other peoples' linguistic skills when he has no coherent or defensible point to make has a pretty poor command of the written word themselves, but keep digging, should you feel inclined...
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    If you say so, must have been the accent.
    Anyway bored now, will wait for your next motorcycle thread.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • glad to see im not the only iliterate person on here.
  • fredblob wrote:
    glad to see im not the only iliterate person on here.

    No, but you don't try belittle everyone by resorting to ill advised linguistic pedantry every time it's pointed out that you're talking cobblers again, lol... :roll:
  • fredblob wrote:
    glad to see im not the only iliterate person on here.

    No, but you don't try belittle everyone by resorting to ill advised linguistic pedantry every time it's pointed out that you're talking cobblers again, lol... :roll:

    im not that anal.

    i have better things to do then take the piss

    who cares if your grammars shitty.

    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  • Believe what you want. Makes no difference to me what you do or don't put on your bike frame.
    You do seem determined to argue about it though. Well, not just this, everything really. If you don't care, be a good little boy and close your cakehole eh?
  • :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: CAKEHOLE :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    reminds me of primary school

    miss he called me gay,
    miss he wont shut his cakehole.
  • Believe what you want. Makes no difference to me what you do or don't put on your bike frame.
    You do seem determined to argue about it though. Well, not just this, everything really. If you don't care, be a good little boy and close your cakehole eh?

    ODFO, lol. That from the most argumentative, rude, obnoxious, confrontational keyboard warrior on the forum? Really? "Hello Mr Pot, my name's Mr Kettle..." Be a good little boy and practice what you preach, eh, you monumental hypocrite? Or failing that, just STFU... :lol:
  • Aaaand, you're off again. Go take a long hard look at yourself, you cancerous parasite.
    so, so sick of your blowhard posturing, so take the hint, and f the h outta here.
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    edited September 2013
    You're such a massive hypocrite it's hilarious. You know, I was at Gisburn a couple of weeks back and got chatting with someone that I'd never met. Guess what one of the first things they talked about was? It was what a dick (and rude, arrogant, obnoxious keyboard warrior and all round troll) they thought you were, lol... :lol:
  • Aaaand, you're off again. Go take a long hard look at yourself, you cancerous parasite.
    so, so sick of your blowhard posturing, so take the hint, and f the h outta here.


    for someone who spent a large amount of time posting here you get really annoyed quickly surely by know you should know when someones winding you up. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  • You're such a massive hypocrite it's hilarious. You know, I was at Gisburn a couple of weeks back and got chatting with someone that I'd never met. Guess what one of the first things they talked about was? It was what a dick (and rude, arrogant, obnoxious keyboard warrior and all round troll) they thought you were, lol... :lol:

    yes he's a dick

    we get the point.

    this thread is past all return :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  • It's not a windup, he really is a genuine moron.
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    edited September 2013
    fredblob wrote:
    Aaaand, you're off again. Go take a long hard look at yourself, you cancerous parasite.
    so, so sick of your blowhard posturing, so take the hint, and f the h outta here.


    for someone who spent a large amount of time posting here you get really annoyed quickly surely by know you should know when someones winding you up. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Funny, isn't it? He spends all his time accusing other people of being angry or argumentative, but his sole reason for being on the forum seems only to be as rude, obnoxious, confrontational, arrogant and argumentative as possible, he's the archetypal keyboard warrior, sitting there seething at his keyboard, desperately trying to make up for whatever deep seated inadequacies make him that way. Thinks he's the big man, while everyone else just thinks he's a bit of a sad prick, lol. I think he's funny (laughing at him, not with him...) :lol:
  • It's not a windup, he really is a genuine moron.

    because calling each other names over a internet forum is really gonna solve that problem :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll
  • fredblob wrote:
    Aaaand, you're off again. Go take a long hard look at yourself, you cancerous parasite.
    so, so sick of your blowhard posturing, so take the hint, and f the h outta here.


    for someone who spent a large amount of time posting here you get really annoyed quickly surely by know you should know when someones winding you up. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Funny, isn't it? He spends all his time accusing other people of being angry or argumentative, but his sole reason for being on the forum seems only to be as rude, obnoxious, confrontational, arrogant and argumentative as possible, he's the archetypal keyboard warrior, sitting there seething at his keyboard, desperately trying to make up for whatever deep seated inadequacies make him that way. Thinks he's the big man, while everyone else just thinks he's a bit of a sad prick, lol. I think he's funny (laughing at him, not with him...) :lol:



    Who is the bigger fool? The fool who leads or the fool that follows?
  • How about pebbledash? Or Artex, maybe? :lol:
  • cyd190468 wrote:
    OP? OP? Has anyone seen the OP? I think he may have been driven to self-harm.
    I think he should get his frame chromed or plated with gold. 8)

    chromed might be 8) 8) gold plated would be kinda heavy thou
  • fredblob wrote:
    cyd190468 wrote:
    OP? OP? Has anyone seen the OP? I think he may have been driven to self-harm.
    I think he should get his frame chromed or plated with gold. 8)

    chromed might be 8) 8) gold plated would be kinda heavy thou

    Chrome plating's not exactly light itself, compared to paint/powdercoat, plus you've got the weight of the nickel plating that has to be applied first.
  • fredblob wrote:
    cyd190468 wrote:
    OP? OP? Has anyone seen the OP? I think he may have been driven to self-harm.
    I think he should get his frame chromed or plated with gold. 8)

    chromed might be 8) 8) gold plated would be kinda heavy thou

    Chrome plating's not exactly light itself, compared to paint/powdercoat, plus you've got the weight of the nickel plating that has to be applied first.

    thought it was done chemically jus youtube'd doesnt look like it weight loads more thou maybe a bit .
  • fredblob wrote:
    fredblob wrote:
    cyd190468 wrote:
    OP? OP? Has anyone seen the OP? I think he may have been driven to self-harm.
    I think he should get his frame chromed or plated with gold. 8)

    chromed might be 8) 8) gold plated would be kinda heavy thou

    Chrome plating's not exactly light itself, compared to paint/powdercoat, plus you've got the weight of the nickel plating that has to be applied first.

    thought it was done chemically

    Er, it is, but you're still depositing a thin layer of metal plate (well two layers, since you have to nickel plate it first). It'll only way a few grammes, but it's heavier than paint. Expensive too (and not particulatly durable, unless it's hard chromed), and difficult to find anywhere that does decent chrome plating these days.
  • fredblob wrote:
    fredblob wrote:
    cyd190468 wrote:
    OP? OP? Has anyone seen the OP? I think he may have been driven to self-harm.
    I think he should get his frame chromed or plated with gold. 8)

    Haha looked away for a few days and seen this the cheapest place to anodise locally was £250 so ill get it powder coated :D whats with the arguing :roll:
  • cheapest place to anodise locally was £250

    Jesus, do you get a year's worth of blowobs from the MD's daughter included for that price? :shock: They're having a laugh, lol.
  • cheapest place to anodise locally was £250

    Jesus, do you get a year's worth of blowobs from the MD's daughter included for that price? :shock: They're having a laugh, lol.

    haha :lol: , nope thats the cheapest i could find
  • Whereabouts are you? These guys are good: ... tAodiF8HrQ