Winter bikes..... again

friedpizzainbatter Posts: 166
edited September 2013 in Road general
I got a nice carbon bike this year, and sold my allez to get some funds back. Was feeling a little brave doing this but used the argument that the carbon bike (domane) has hidden mounts so I'll be able to fit mudguards and protect it from the worst of the winter conditions. ....

In hindsight, was this a bit stupid or will I be fine running the carbon bike through the winter, commuting and weekend rides, given that it's 105 and not more expensive drivetrain components?

Starting to worry a little as seeing the start of the 'packed away my carbon bike for the winter' posts again, and wondering if I should be doing the same.
Trek Domane 4.3. Merida One.forty 7.700. Merida CX 3. Voodoo Bizango
"When the vulture flies sideways the moon has hair on his upper lip"


  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426
    Carbon does not disintegrate in winter if you want to use it use it but what a good excuse to get another bike. :)
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Well I've run a 105 drivetrain through 6 winters and it's been fine with a little TLC. That's been on a Racelight Tk which has proper mudguards though.

    The usual rationale for not riding a carbon best bike through the winter is more to do with not wanting to send it sliding down the road when you come off on black ice or a diesel spill. However, all my falls have been in mid-summer and due to me not coordinating unclipping and leaning the bike the wrong way :oops:
  • I'm in exactly the same boat although as yet haven't sold my other bike.
    I have had arguments from both sides, one saying to keep your good bike good, which I can see the point of and also saying I will always want to ride my good bike, even in Winter... which I also agree with.

    Oh what to do.
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    I will put my carbon bike away soon and use my alu bike through winter.I like having a best bike and gp bike.Infact I have my first bike as an extra crappy winter,winter bike :D .
    Main reason though not wanting to risk best bike through the winter.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Never understood why folk would want a carbon or lightweight frame for their "winter bike" well each to their own i suppose. our group of late 30 early ahem 40 somethings ride a heavier steel or basic alu bike with old race bike components. we all agree there is nothing better than jumping off your 25lbs winter bike and getting on your race bike after all that training, it feels like your doing 10mph more ! ok maybe were old skool. as i have said before riding conditions say on the south coast of england in winter are totally different from the yorks moors,wales,pennines,scottish highlands were the salt and slush really takes its toll on components.
  • My only issue is I've just bought it and haven't ridden it yet, to have it for a couple of weeks then pack it away for the winter will be gutting.

    I see why you would do it in the long term though.
  • gotwood25 wrote:
    My only issue is I've just bought it and haven't ridden it yet, to have it for a couple of weeks then pack it away for the winter will be gutting.

    I see why you would do it in the long term though.

    Why not get some mud guards for it and ride it all winter.
    Come the spring just treat yourself to a new best bike :wink:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • To be a true 'winter bike' (sufficient to warrant being bought expressly for the season), a bike should surely have capacity for ice tyres and mudguards, and probably a transmission that doesn't too much mind being sprayed with muck and then put in the garage. If the above criteria are not met, you would do better to mudguards on the bike you would ride normally. It's not going to melt.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    It sounds like you need another bike - not to pack the carbon one away - but to run it when conditions aren't ideal.
    We do get some good crisp dry autumn/winter/spring days and I have no intention of leaving my carbon ride hanging up all that time - but for the most I'll be on my "wet" bike ...
  • Charlie - I do like your style, however my Mrs doesn't and I can't see her ever allowing me to spend 2.5k on a bike ever again. So getting another one next season ain't going to happen sadly, she can be so selfish.

    Simon - not really a dedicated winter bike as such, just a one that won't break my heart if i crash it... Or get dirty :-)