Nearly flattened today. My fault.

craker Posts: 1,739
edited September 2013 in Commuting general
In the 5 years or so I've been a regular cycle commuter, there are at least three incidents I can recall where I've done something a bit daft and avoided being mown down by an aware driver braking in time. Today was the stupidist, crossing the sliproad to the M5 at Almondsbury I thought I could get across in front of a slow moving lorry, completely ignoring a car in the inside lane that I just stepped out in front of.

I can't recall that many near misses in my 20 year + driving career. (Well... there are some).

I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here, as a cyclist am I taking more risks than I would do as a driver? I tend to blame the road layout when something like this happens; as a cyclist I have to nip in front of fast moving vehicles to get where I want to. Today I got it wrong.


  • Whilst the road around that junction is much more busy than I'd like, I do feel safer on the road, than trying to get across any of the 'cycle' routes. Crossing the exit slip road is easy, but with traffic controlled lights, the entry slips are always busy.
  • racingt
    racingt Posts: 108
    Hey it's your lucky day! Don't sweat it, just learn from it, and be tolerant when someone does the same to you.
    God didn't want to meet you today:-)
  • This just points out that we all make f**k ups so sometimes a motorist might do something that that makes us see red

    I am guessing this driver may have seen a bit of red themselves with the incident

    so unless it is down right stupid and almost killed you let them be on there way
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Nice to hear the other side of the story and pleased that you are ok