Diary of a starter and unsuspecting KOM

defride Posts: 277
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
In recent years haven't had a great deal of time to get out. Rode alot of mtb during the Nineties and into the early 2000s then the kids came along and it had stopped by the end of the decade. As they've got older the free time has increased a little and I picked up a new mtb in Feb 2012. Really enjoyed getting out again. Generaly an hour and half to two hours once a weekend maybe three times a month since. Thats built to about 20 miles a ride offroad.

Enter the end of 2013, some more time and the lure of the road has bitten. A bit of advice from here, a test ride and a carbon Cube was purchased a couple of weeks ago.

Was very unsure how I'd get on. Picked out a route based on riding the mtb in this area and headed out, no computer or even watch so only a gut feel to go on. Took it fairly easy and scooted around most of my route quicker than I felt I would so added an extra loop. Got back and what I'd figured would be a 2hr ride was completed in and hour and a half. No idea how far I'd been so I recce'd the map and it looked like over 30 miles... Surely not?! TDF, here I come... That was the catalyst to look at signing up for Strava as a quick fix to see what I'd done.

Added it to the phone signed up on line and kept fingers crossed I could get it to work. Next opportunity I figured I'd complete the same route and give it a bit of a push. Hit the Strava button, started the ride and a couple of miles down the road checked the phone, didn't look promising, banged away on the buttons and got it going. Scooted round and was amazed to see the amount of information available about the ride once finished. Even more amazed to see that I'd travel 23 miles at an average of 18.6mph, turns out my +30 mile route was exactly 25 miles with 1300ft of climbing. Particularly pleasing was 24th out of 1300+ down a minute long local decent topping out at 45mph+, thats the mtb side coming through I suppose, must be able to do better down it next time...

Interestingly, looking at the sections I was top 10% on most of the climbs, near the top on decents and middle of the pack along the flats. I guess a lot of those riding are just seeing these sections as the middle of some 100er.

I was free today, looked like it would be amougst the last of the really warm days of summer so headed out with an extended route in mind. Figured I'd take it easy and added a second water bottle. Used the first couple of miles or so as warm up and felt a bit leaden, a bloke in full on TT gear cruised past followed by a woman not in TT gear bellowing instructions. Crushing! Not really. Another bloke came past, fair do's.

Started to feel a little better and picked up the pace a bit. Took a slightly different route up to the afformentioned quick decent, mentally preparing to give it everything. Kept a steady pace up on what was a steady climb, looking back, 500+ ft and just over 7 miles, wtf - KOM for this section! Only 125 had done it but still.

Argh, tractor and line of cars leading into the decent, no possibilty of getting past until into it but made it all the same. 8 sec slower than previous but top speed of 49.2 mph, another day.

Headed further out keeping it steady then came back along the previous route.

40.3 miles, 1850ft climbing in 2hr 13. Average speed 18.2mph - very surprised, felt as though it'd be significantly slower than the previous 25 miler.

Really pleased with the bike, a Cube GTC Race, stable at speed, climbs well and I've found it comfortable. Well worth a look if you're in the market.

So what next?


  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Nice write up and congrats on the KOM.You seem to be doing extremely well so far.As for what,s next,just keep doing what your doing.I been cycling a year now and can,t match your figures.
    Well done.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    defride wrote:
    ...So what next?

    You should write a blog, not enough of them IMO
  • Excellent post, sounds like you are good on the hills. I hope to start using Strava once I shell out for a GPS. I don't care for trying to beat peoples' times bombing downhill though. I'm a bit unsure how using Strava fits into a serious training plan, having done a lot of running training in the past I would either be doing a steady run (without random sprints) or a structured interval session. I can't imagine trying to speed up along a bit of pavement to see where I ranked against other people. So I think after the initial fun I would just settle on a handful of longish segments and give those a serious shot from time to time. Most of them are too short to be bothered about (or end at traffic lights which again I think is a bit iffy).
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I'm a bit unsure how using Strava fits into a serious training plan,
    It is just a recording tool - you put your rides in and primarily compare against your previous rides. Then you can set particular aims - I've got a few private segments set along my usual routes. You can just ignore the others if you want. Or like me you can take a few in the spirit that they're intended and occasionally "blast" them to see how you do ... that's the fun bit ;)
  • defride
    defride Posts: 277
    Bobbinogs wrote:
    defride wrote:
    ...So what next?

    You should write a blog, not enough of them IMO

    See how it goes I suppose.

    I think I see Strava as more of a personal thing, early days but several weeks down the road it'll be interesting to note the difference or lack there of. The KOM stuff? A bit of fun

    Have been invited out with a group Sunday morn, they reckon 4hr at circa 18mph. Never done anything like this sort of distance before, if it's flat I reckon it's possible, hilly - no chance. We'll see?
  • defride
    defride Posts: 277
    Well the 70 didn't happen, anothers commitments got in the way. Maybe just as well though I was looking forward to giving it a bash. Consoled with a blast on the mtb and getting the kids out in the woods, 4 year old did 6 miles offroad including a section of singletrack, get on

    Just under 30 today, would have taken 30sec from the KOM time on the climb but for a road closure, they let me through but had to stop for a road sweeper grrr. Blasted the decent though, 8th of 1300 :-)

    Bikes feeling more and more comfortable, liking the carbon alot, does seem to live up to its reputation for a smooth ride. Flite Ti on the way, got on well with them in the past, hopefully will again.

    Nice to be out.
  • defride wrote:
    Just under 30 today, would have taken 30sec from the KOM time on the climb but for a road closure, they let me through but had to stop for a road sweeper grrr. Blasted the decent though, 8th of 1300 :-)

    Should you still be posting in the beginner section? ;¬)
    Music, beer, sport, repeat...