New Bike Dilema...

w00dster Posts: 880
edited September 2013 in Road beginners
Newbie been riding about 6 months, I commute daily (20 mile round trip) and try and get 2 x 35 miles in over the weekends.
I have a Trek Domane 2.0 with Tiagra gearset (triple). Very happy with the bike, nice and comfortable ride, seems to be pretty responsive and good up hills (shame about the engine which isn't responsive and is terrible uphills).
I'm reasonably happy with the bike, but at the moment it as exactly as it came off the shelf (apart from Continental 4 Seasons). I am wondering if I should buy a new bike (budget approx £1500), looking at some of the sales, I'm looking at the Fuji Altamira 2.5C 2013, seems to be about £550 discount on this at the moment. Or should I instead spend the money on upgrading my Trek (new wheels, brakes etc)? Third option is to save my money until next Spring and my budget will have increased to about £2200 and see what is available then?
I have a MTB that will be used for the commute during the winter months, my thinking is that the Trek could end up as the winter bike (when weather doesn't force me onto the MTB) and the Fuji for better weather.
Thoughts greatly appreciated.


  • simonhead
    simonhead Posts: 1,399
    The Fuji is a good deal as long as it fits, I personally would wait until next year, ride the Trek over the winter and then use it as a winter / trainer from next spring. If you get a new bike now, you will want to ride it all the time and end up taking it out on your commute in so so weather, because the new bike feels so much nicer you will neglect the Trek and it will then feel unloved.
    Life isnt like a box of chocolates, its like a bag of pic n mix.
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    I'd concentrate on improving the engine - nowt wrong with a 6 month old Domane, especially on decent tyres.
    Bianchi Infinito CV
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    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • thanks for the advice guys - pretty much what I was thinking as well.
    I was very fortunate with the Trek, managed to purchase it direct from Trek at considerable discount (paid less than £600). I guess its just the N+1 rule, when purchasing the Domane I really wanted the 4.3 but couldn't get hold of it at a discounted price and at the time was outside of my budget. (Budget was £1000 including shoes, pedals, tyres etc)
    Will keep the Trek for a while longer and use it to help build my fitness. I have actually been riding for years but MTB so guess this doesn't count! Also never really pushed myself on the MTB, the road bike makes me want to go further and faster - and wearing the lycra makes me want to lose weight!!

    And Simonhead, your spot on with me ending up leaving the Trek all alone and neglected. My MTB has cobwebs on it, dreading the commute in over the winter months, not because of the weather but because of having to grind the MTB up the damn hills!

    Thanks again.
  • The Trek Domane 2.0 is a good bike. If you were to upgrade you'd be wanting something significantly better in order to justify the outlay. I'd say you'd want to go to Domane 5 series to notice the difference properly.

    If you're looking to spend some money then the wheels on that bike are pretty crappy. I assume they are the same as the ones I had on my Madone 2.1. I upgraded these to Shimano RS80 and the difference is massive.

    Other than that, upgrading the brake calipers is a good idea as again yours will be the same as I had which were dreadful. Upgraded to 105 calipers, all good.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    winter is coming so a better new bike would end up not being used till next year anyway. concentrate on fitness and then when summer arrives get a new ride and fly!
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012