My masters dissertation on happiness economics

tomallen Posts: 34
edited October 2013 in The cake stop
Howdy everyone,

Long time lurker, mainly in the classifieds section, but I'm in need of a hand.

If you're interested in helping out with my social research project for my economics masters dissertation and have 5 (well actually 7) minutes free, then you're my new favourite person!

It's as simple as this: One developing line of research in economics relates to what factors in day-to-day life determine our happiness (suitably called 'happiness economics'). This research is undertaken by academics and public bodies such as the Office for National Statistics. In my masters dissertation I am hoping to further this research by gathering data through a very simple questionnaire and then analysing it.

Where you come in is with the questionnaire. It takes 7 (yes seven) minutes to fill in from start to finish and would be such a help for me in my project if you could help by filling it out.

Here it is:

If you could do that for me I would be very grateful, and if you have any questions please go ahead.



  • Well I tried..........
    But it wouldn't let me past the 2nd page, it objected to my weight.
    Initially entered 14 stones and didn't update the lbs.
    Having completed the rest of page tried to move on and it said the weight was in error.
    I assumed that by some quirk of programming you had to enter the lbs field for it to register use!
    After trying a few things eg entering 1lb etc gave up..............
    As my height is 5' 10" and weight 14 stone,
    Does it object to fat old gits?
  • I've got the same problem as SoloSuperia too. The system will not accept my weight, although i'm not that heavy.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    Same problem here with entering the weight.

    It obviously thinks weight too much. The last thread of happiness in my life had just been torn, and the local economy is now sure to implode.
  • 4kicks
    4kicks Posts: 549
    fail. same problem (wish Id read the first three posts before trying, mind)
    Fitter....healthier....more productive.....
  • tomallen
    tomallen Posts: 34
    edited August 2013
    Thanks so much for trying anyway! I'll get straight over and try and fix the problem.


    Edit: Fixed the problem. I'd limited number inputs to between 0 to 12 for the lbs entry which had also limited the stones! So anyone above 13 stones or higher (fat gits like you say) weren't able to complete! I'm 15 stone.. you'd have thought I would have tried it at some point as well..
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    This survey was interrupted. Please try again later.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • tomallen
    tomallen Posts: 34
    team47b wrote:
    This survey was interrupted. Please try again later.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Not any more! :)
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Done and done.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327

    I have some points for you...

    I find it hard to place a value on my levels of anxious and happiness, how can you measure it? Also they change throughout the day depending what I'm doing and thinking at that particular point.

    As for think what I've done is worthwhile, depends if I'm at home or at work? I often find what I do at home (fitness training for example) more worthwhile than what I do at work (slave to the system).

    For relationship status. You missed off the option to select "repels women like a high pressure water canon".
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • Well, that was straightforward. Pleased to help, hope all goes well.
  • tomallen
    tomallen Posts: 34
    Well, that was straightforward. Pleased to help, hope all goes well.

    Cheers. Got over 80 responses so far, mainly from the BR forum! Thanks everyone.
  • Things are going really well!

    Up to just under 300 responses now for the questionnaire, which I'm happy about. Would like to reach 400 still, so if anyone hasn't filled it out yet, it would still be very much appreciated!
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    tomallen wrote:
    I'd limited number inputs to between 0 to 12 for the lbs entry which had also limited the stones!
    Err, I'm currently 12 stone 13lbs...
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120

    Happiness economics, eh? Interesting

    Presume this is attempting to bridge the gap between economics "the science" and Psychology/Sociology?

    SecretSam (BSocSc(Hons) err...Economics...)

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • bompington wrote:
    tomallen wrote:
    I'd limited number inputs to between 0 to 12 for the lbs entry which had also limited the stones!
    Err, I'm currently 12 stone 13lbs...

    Well that would be silly wouldn't it.. I really should know there are 14lbs in a stone. Luckily I expanded the limits to numbers under 40, so you shouldn't have had any problem with inputting 13 lbs.
  • SecretSam wrote:

    Happiness economics, eh? Interesting

    Presume this is attempting to bridge the gap between economics "the science" and Psychology/Sociology?

    SecretSam (BSocSc(Hons) err...Economics...)

    Exactly, yeah. It's applying a more quantitative approach to a historically psychological subject. One fairly common difference is economists tend to believe it's important to model happiness by assessing current situational characteristics (wealth, education, family etc). Psychologists often lean towards the opinion that one's happiness is more determined by personality and genetics, and that situational characteristics only cause a brief shift in happiness, before a person adjusts back to a given set point (based on personality and genetics etc). It's called set-point theory. All pretty interesting stuff.
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    Another economics graduate here too, completed.

    I work 'in business' now, and one of the areas which I find wholly dissatisfying is the reliance on traditional 'cost benefit' for everything. Happiness economics could go some way to bridging this by attributing a 'value' to happiness.
    Insert bike here:
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    mpatts wrote:
    Another economics graduate here too, completed.

    I work 'in business' now, and one of the areas which I find wholly dissatisfying is the reliance on traditional 'cost benefit' for everything. Happiness economics could go some way to bridging this by attributing a 'value' to happiness.

    Similar approach to the way they tried to apply a value to health improvement using QALYs (Quality-Adjusted Life Years) in health a while back? It was used to try and assess competing treatments when one resource (money) was the scarce factor

    It's just a hill. Get over it.