Testing the water - Strength & Conditioning and Injury rehab

cjr61 Posts: 175
edited August 2013 in Health, fitness & training
Testing the water - Strength & Conditioning and Injury rehab/prevention for MTB

Hi guys,

My name is Chris and I'm a strength & conditioning coach, sports scientist and university lecturer. I've always worked with elite athletes, sports people and cyclists but none from MTB. I'm interested to get some feedback as to how people train and what might be beneficial for them within MTB.

I didn’t want this to seem like a blatant marketing ploy as to be honest I was just hoping for some info and suggestions. No money down/back guarantees/inches of waist/tone up/new and improved/this was me then and this is me now….!

I love riding and would love to combine my passions of S&C with riding. I’ve drafted together a simple survey to help me gain a little more understanding.

There is an optional sign up at the bottom of the survey if you’d like me to add you to out mailing list for newsletters and info as things develop. If you get the chance on a busy Friday to ping in some answers to the survey that would be excellent and much appreciated.


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If anything does evolve in the future forum members will reap the rewards with healthy discounts!




p.s. I’ve checked the board restrictions and hopefully this isn’t pissing off any mods but apologies if it does. Nothing for sale and not soliciting for business!