
rokt Posts: 493
edited August 2013 in Road general
This may seem like a silly question but does anyone wear a mask when riding ? I try to cycle to work as much as is possible and this means riding in rush hour traffic. I quite regularly end up behind cars kicking out way too much
exhaust fumes, but this morning I ended up behind a Saab 9-3 convertible and hell it nearly killed me. :roll:

It is just a thought and it would be interesting to hear what people think.


  • zingaiya
    zingaiya Posts: 52
    I suspect that any mask capable of filtering out exhaust fumes would need its own oxygen supply once you start pedaling.
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    I wear one of these

  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891
    many moons ago I did a post about masks on my blog - you can read the reviews here if you are bored. ... t-for.html
  • I've used them for years and find them great.

    They're not perfect as I think you do suck in air round the edges and likewise when exhaling, but that may depend on how well they fit the individual face. I guess the debate is why wouldn't you wear one? Negatives are cost and not liking the feel of the mask on your face. The filters last for ages and I personally don't think they're at all bad to wear.

    Very cheeky this but I was selling one that I'd been bought in the wrong size so if you do decide to give them a try let me know:

  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    jonomc4 wrote:
    many moons ago I did a post about masks on my blog - you can read the reviews here if you are bored. ... t-for.html

    Regarding the review of the Buff - The reason it's easier to breath through is because it's not an effective filter. It aint gonna keep out much particulate.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I tried to use one for a bit but it was too much like breathing through a wet pillow for my liking. After a short while, the whole inside of the mask becomes coated in a mix of snot, saliva and sweat which is not pleasant. Also I tend to use my voice (haven't got a bell) to warn peds etc of my approach when I see them about to step blindly off the kerb etc but the mask makes this impossible - you can no longer shout "coming through" or whatever.... They're basically very difficult to use if you're the kind of cyclist who likes to push things quite hard as it's difficult to get a proper breath, however if you're more of a pootler it may be worth a go....
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  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Zingaiya wrote:
    I suspect that any mask capable of filtering out exhaust fumes would need its own oxygen supply once you start pedaling.

    This. Total waste of time, the harmful particulates are so small that they're gonna get in regardless. Anyway the health benefits of cycle commuting far outweigh any exposure to traffic pollution.
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433
    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.
