Latest Police Inactivity after Cycling Accident

Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
edited August 2013 in Commuting chat ... mentpage=1

Apparently the guy contributed to the accident by pulling across in front of the car which was clearly (how?) part of the funeral group, causing the motorist to clip the cyclist and almost cause another funeral... Ridiculous
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  • Not surprising, police responses either tend to be:

    a) add +1 to the cycle accident stats and do nothing
    b) blame the cyclist
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Can't quite see how the cyclist is to blame there ...

    He looked, indicated and already had the lane - so the driver just knocked him off ... that's got to be dangerous driving at a minimum?!
    Haven't listened to the audio, but the abuse doesn't surprise me - everyone is right .... in their own eyes ...
  • Saw that story before.

    It's assault with a vehicle. Then common assault (shouting/threats).

    There doesn't seem to be anything analogous in the UK, but many American states have the crime of "vehicular assault", which is treated the same as "assault with a deadly weapon". In other words, very severely.

    Blows my mind that people can use a car here to intentionally hit someone and only be charged with a pretty minor offence like careless driving.

    The police and CPS is certainly not helping.
  • Widgey
    Widgey Posts: 157
    Wow! Hope the guy keeps pursuing this. He was 2/3rds of a way through his manoeuvre then gets a car load of abuse. Bad form by the police.
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,407
    So, basically Notts police have said, "I'm a cyclist too, and..."

    With a bit of luck this will go viral and they will have to issue a further "clarification" explaining why this is in fact no different from intentionally punching someone and at least there'll be something of a debate.