The big list of lame

finchy Posts: 6,686
edited August 2013 in The cake stop
Cake Stop has seen many a pointless list in the past and it's probably time for another one: Totally lame stuff. I'll start

Metrosexual vampires that want to talk about their feelings (© Anne bloody Rice)

Scripted banter on stuff like Top Gear

Chuck Norris facts

English people attempting to do patriotism by painting their faces with a St George's flag and then looking slightly awkward

Demonstrators holding up placards saying "Down with this sort of thing" and "Careful now". Is there anything lamer than being the 1,000th person to copy something you saw on TV? ... 0AXhzYGQCQ


  • I noticed this image in the 8th line of results on your link. I do enjoy the seemingly random pictures that crop up now and again in a search result. Search for "down with this sort of thing" = result showing a girl scorching a teddy bear with (very large) lit fart while her male friend holds her up. Look how happy they are.

  • all the ancillary 'entertainment' at t20 cricket, doesnt work, and is cringeworthy

    prime ministers commenting on populist matters, such as minor sporting acheivements. u havent a clue what your talking about DC and its all so scripted. like that pasty gate thing too, and when sneering george showed that bic of his posh burger dinner.

    stick to running the country
  • All pales into insignificance when compared with the lameness of Americanised 'capture' business headlines so beloved on Huffington Post, Forbes, and countless other sites. It's lame because it's just a) inherently lazy, b) appeals to the terminally stupid, and c) Is unnecessarily familiar. Here's a particular choice picks from this morning's Linkedin feed;

    "Apple's iPhone charger buyback is PR genius - and it may even boost the bottom line"

    When what would have been written, or is still written amongst the sections of the business press who don't feel the need to write like Californian teens would be; "Apple seeks to increase margin with charger buyback"
  • PR firms and the statements they come out with in general...

    actaully im veering into things that are mildly annoying now.
  • That strange white paste that certain men use to give the impression that they've got just the right amount of grey, and that in no way makes it look like they've just walked through a room with a low, freshly-painted ceiling.

    "In the event of a landing on water".

    French markets in Britain that sell products which are, erm, readily available in Britain.

    The presentation of sparkling wine in lieu of champagne. "Well done. You are £6 good."

    Food served on "rustic" bits of wood, slates, bits of stone, or anything that's not a recognised means of serving food.

    "No code behind forms". Really?

    Museum shops.

    "Forward guidance" on interest rates. So, we'll have a target, and when that target's reached something may or may not happen. However, something may or may not happen before the target is reached, and the target may never actually be reached anyway, in which case something may or may not happen. Hmm.
  • metronome
    metronome Posts: 670
    The Velominati :|
    tick - tick - tick
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Joe Hart's Head and Shoulders adverts. Come on Joe ffs, it's not like you must be in need of the cash.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Pointless lists of arbitrary things.
  • pliptrot
    pliptrot Posts: 582
    stick to running the country
    Well, perhaps give it some thought and then pass that duty on to someone who might actually be able to........
  • pliptrot wrote:
    stick to running the country
    Well, perhaps give it some thought and then pass that duty on to someone who might actually be able to........
  • pliptrot wrote:
    stick to running the country
    Well, perhaps give it some thought and then pass that duty on to someone who might actually be able to........
    Might be worth adding "Democracy" to the list of lame things because it's clearly set up in such a manner as to mean achieving the above aim is completely impossible. "I GIV U MOAR SWEETEEZ" doth not for good governance make.
  • i just thought of a good one. starbucks staff asking you ur first name so they can write it on the cup.

    f off this is one peice of americanisation i dont like. over familiar.

    we play the game when at starbucks, whereby the winner is the one who can get them to write the most ridiculous and made up name on a the cup. sad, but it amuses us.