The Secret Pro

bazbadger Posts: 553
edited January 2014 in Pro race

IGNORE _ thread already there (didn't look hard enough :oops: )

Not sure if this one has been covered already, but a good one by The Secret Pro over on Cycling Tips:

This was particularly interesting I thought:
Speaking of past performance-enhancing methods, there are a lot of guys in the peloton who aren’t the riders they used to be only a few years ago. I won’t name names, but there’s a few elephants in the peloton who I’m sure you’re aware of. It astounds me that some are even Grand Tour winners.

I've wondered this myself recently.

A good read.
Mens agitat molem


  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,780
    it is a good read - really good points about the journo's giving Froome stick for winning but not conta... er other riders for being rubbish

    I can't agree about the not ringing the hotline tho - even though the UCI are poor at making a charge stick they should be dobbing in other riders if they have suspicions and lots of other instances exist of this process working like the benefits hotlines and crimestoppers
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    edited August 2013
    edhornby wrote:
    it is a good read - really good points about the journo's giving Froome stick for winning but not conta... er other riders for being rubbish

    I can't agree about the not ringing the hotline tho - even though the UCI are poor at making a charge stick they should be dobbing in other riders if they have suspicions and lots of other instances exist of this process working like the benefits hotlines and crimestoppers

    Completely different situation from old Crimestoppers. One of the reasons is put down to institutional distrust and fear of those heading up the UCI. Think about it for a moment: this is an governing body whose successive presidents inc McQuaid have publicly attacked riders for speaking out. Vaughters maintains that riders are fearful of UCI retribution. You think anyone would trust the UCI or their hotline with PMQ in charge and Verbrudden still on the scene?

    It seems that at the Giro (according to Vaughters) some of the teams approached the race organisers about Vini Fantini's dodgy duo. They chose that route rathen than the UCI.
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    Brilliant blog though - very forthright. Any ideas as to who the Secret Pro actually is?

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    edited August 2013
    Raymondo60 wrote:
    Brilliant blog though - very forthright. Any ideas as to who the Secret Pro actually is?
    He's not Australian but with Aussie connections, did the Tour of Turkey and Tour de France, finishes in the grupetto, and rode either the Aalst or Boxmeer crit. That's a short list :wink:

    He does highlight that his anonymity allows him to provide insights more openly....
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Yes very interesting, nice perspective on it all too.

    Who is the french team who had issues in the Dauphine? Was that to do with 'knee problems'/cortisone type things?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    MrTapir wrote:
    Yes very interesting, nice perspective on it all too.

    Who is the french team who had issues in the Dauphine? Was that to do with 'knee problems'/cortisone type things?
    Europcar. This sort of covers it: ... m-europcar
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Yeah, thought that was an interesting dig at Voeckler/Rolland in 2011 and 2012....
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    RichN95 wrote:
    MrTapir wrote:
    Yes very interesting, nice perspective on it all too.

    Who is the french team who had issues in the Dauphine? Was that to do with 'knee problems'/cortisone type things?
    Europcar. This sort of covers it: ... m-europcar

    thought so, thanks. What kind of level of 'doping' could this be? I was prescribed some corticoids in nasal spray for an allergy so i would say pretty low level, but i dont know really.
  • Raymondo60 wrote:
    Brilliant blog though - very forthright. Any ideas as to who the Secret Pro actually is?

    With the Pro peloton not being that large, I'd find it hard to believe it's only one person. or if it is one person, he is talking about other riders' experiences.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Just watching an Aussie show, The Bike Lane and they have suggested that it's Greg Henderson or Gerrans.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,538
    Joelsim wrote:
    Just watching an Aussie show, The Bike Lane and they have suggested that it's Greg Henderson or Gerrans.
    Wouldn't really be like Gerrans to stick his neck out like that though.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • Bo Duke
    Bo Duke Posts: 1,058
    I'm Spartacus.
    'Performance analysis and Froome not being clean was a media driven story. I haven’t heard one guy in the peloton say a negative thing about Froome, and I haven’t heard a single person in the peloton suggest Froome isn’t clean.' TSP
  • Joelsim wrote:
    Just watching an Aussie show, The Bike Lane and they have suggested that it's Greg Henderson or Gerrans.
    Wouldn't really be like Gerrans to stick his neck out like that though.
  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay Posts: 1,982
    Joelsim wrote:
    Just watching an Aussie show, The Bike Lane and they have suggested that it's Greg Henderson or Gerrans.

    Wade Wallace is the man who set up the Cycling Tips site - which hosts 'The Bike Lane' (he's the Canadian co-presenter) and created the 'Secret Pro' slot. At the end of each 'Bike Lane' episode a different pro is suggested as a candidate.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Yes I saw that last night and had a look at his site. The other fella thinks it's Gerrans and out of the 10 episodes I saw, Grig Hindersen looked very sheepish :wink: