Cut my Rapha? Are you mad!?!?

eddiefiola Posts: 344
edited August 2013 in Road general
Bit of blood warning:

If you didn't get a pic it didn't happen right? So asked a witness to take a couple of pics after I woke up from the black out ;)

Riding along a cycle path and the path crosses a junction, bikes have right of way but a van decides to try and get through in front of me, needless to say he didn't make it and neither did I on the rest of my journey.

Fractured knee cap, stitches on the head where my DHB glasses took the brunt of the hit and split open skin on my forehead, bruised shoulder and arm also where a lot of weight hit i think, but, happy to be alive.
Won't become part of the wear a helmet brigade but glad I was wearing one all the same.

Now 7-12 weeks rehab.

They cut my new Team Sky jersey off so I asked Rapha if it's covered under their Repair service ;) lets see, they didnt say no just 'send it in'.

Got to pick up the bike tomorrow but I think thats a mess.

Wasn't insured so had to pay for op etc out of my own pocket and will have to sue the driver, meeting a lawyer tomorrow.

Stay safe!


  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    eddiefiola wrote:
    Wasn't insured so had to pay for op etc out of my own pocket and will have to sue the driver, meeting a lawyer tomorrow.

    What OP did you have to pay for?

    Just add the cost of replacement clothing to your claim. Remind the lawyer it was new if they argue betterment.
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    diy wrote:
    What OP did you have to pay for?
    I'm assuming he's not in the UK.

    Hope you get well soon OP - be interested to hear what Rapha say :D
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    In which case he should ignore my comment on betterment.
  • gpreeves
    gpreeves Posts: 454
    eddiefiola wrote:
    Riding along a cycle path and the path crosses a junction, bikes have right of way but a van decides to try and get through in front of me, needless to say he didn't make it and neither did I on the rest of my journey.

    Something similar almost happened to me the other week. I was in the bike lane (merely a painted white line) when a car tried to pull across me (without indicating) to turn left. Luckily I managed to swerve away at the last moment, but it does seem to be a problem that drivers sometimes don't recognise/notice that they're sharing the road with a cycle path.

    Hope you get better soon OP.
  • Camus
    Camus Posts: 189
    gpreeves wrote:
    it does seem to be a problem that drivers sometimes don't recognise/notice that they're sharing the road with cyclists. Hope you get better soon OP.

    There you go, fixed that for you.

    To the OP hope you make a quick recovery, not long since I was face up on the grass next to the road in a neck brace myself. You should be able to claim for any damages (personal and to equipment) as clearly none of this is your fault.
  • eddiefiola
    eddiefiola Posts: 344
    Thanks guys!

    Yeah I'm English but I'm living in Germany, stupidly hadn't taken out health insurance since moving here hence paying cash for the Op.

    Hopefully I'll get everything back and replaced as it seems pretty clear cut it's the drivers fault.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    Interesting. Aren't you covered by nation-to-nation agreements for treatments resulting from accidents? I think that if one of our idiots ran a German down the German would be treated for free.
  • eddiefiola
    eddiefiola Posts: 344
    As I legally live here I should actually have insurance, just paid and will let the courts decide the rest now.

    I guess if you were here as a tourist then yes you'd be covered, didn't there used to be a form Brits should fill in and take with them to cover this kind of thing.... something 11B?
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    It's about residency, if you leave britain for more than 185 days you are considered not to be a resident of britain so couldn't use an E111 agreement form.

    Get well soon.
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • john1967
    john1967 Posts: 366
    I recently had a face plant,an ambulance ride and 4 hours in A+E.

    All for free.

    Long live the NHS. :D
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    I can feel for you dude. Some of the driving on the "quieter" roads in Germany is getting a bit scary. I have had a few times I could touch a car passing at around 80kph in a 50kph zone. Some of them just don't give a sh!t. The roads may be superior to the UK but the standard of driver is not.

    Where in Germany are you?
  • eddiefiola
    eddiefiola Posts: 344
    Hey Steve, up until this week I'd thought the drivers considerations for cyclists was actually really great and didn't have a bad word to say about that kind of thing here.

    I'm in Leipzig, was traveling from Markkleeberg to Böhlen along a cycle path

    Still yet to see a lawyer but I can't see how there can be any question of it being the drivers fault with me being on the cycle path.
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    There no doubt would have been a sign with the person and a bike below it on a blue circle. That means it is essentially a pavement so a pedestrian can walk across and has right of way. Therefore the driver failed to give way and is 100% in the wrong. Its the same as him driving on the pavement. I know its German culture to sue his arse off so I would if I were you.
  • eddiefiola
    eddiefiola Posts: 344
    Instructing a lawyer this week.
  • isimba
    isimba Posts: 44
    Get well soon. I did have a little chuckle at the idea of you asking someone to get a picture of you on the floor bloody.