Bike Fitting - Cheshire area

Ian1983 Posts: 10
edited August 2013 in Road general
Hi. I'm relatively new to cycling, got a Carrera TDF about a month ago, and have just ordered some speedplay pedals to fit on.

However, I've been advised by a few people to get a bike fitting (I bought the TDF off Ebay so not had a fitting), especially since I've had several previous knee operations. Couple of questions:

1. Will a bike fitting be much use considering I've already got the bike? (I'd always been under the impression that the purpose of a fitting was to decide what bike to buy)

2. Can anyone around the Cheshire area advise me of a decent place to go for this? I can't afford to spend loads, but would travel to Liverpool / Manchester if it was someone highly recommended




  • The bike fit helps you set up the bike so that it will be very comfortable and efficient, and not cause any problems. Very useful to do once you have a bike. Are you sure you have bought the right size frame? A fit before a bike purchase is normally to ensure you have the right size frame, and the following ones ensure the set up is right.

    As far as good fitters in the Cheshire area, sorry, i'm not local.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    It's fairly easy to fit the bike to you. Don't worry about that, as long as its not miles out.

    In Manchester there's at the velodrome. He's very good.

    However I'd recommend travelling down to , more expensive but a more complete service. The moulded footbeds are fantastic!

    Of course there are people who swear by the fact you don't need one and claim bike fitting is emporer's new clothes. I strongly disagree but, well, they're lucky they didn't have the issues I had!
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • jscl
    jscl Posts: 1,015
    Big +1 to Richard @ Pedal Precision, would recommend him to you without a doubt.
    Follow me on Twitter - - All posts are strictly my personal view.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    I would recommend Pedal Precision if they'd replied to my email I sent 4 weeks ago.
  • foggybike
    foggybike Posts: 160
    edited August 2013
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    That's not good at all.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Rebecca Romero has set up in Chester ? I've not been myself yet.
  • Ian1983
    Ian1983 Posts: 10
    I've just looked up the Rebecca Romero website. The fitting's £150, which if I'm honest is more than I can afford having just bought bike plus pedals.

    Also looked at the Pedal Precision link above. They've got 3 different levels of fit (£60 / £110 / £170). Anyone know if the £60 one would be perfectly sufficient, or would I need to be looking at the middle option?
  • frazered
    frazered Posts: 333
    Recommend ringing Richard at pedal precision , he is slow on emails and doesn't always reply.
  • Hi All,

    Just been alerted to the above. Really sorry that a few of you have had trouble with getting a response to email(s), no real excuse other than things have gone barmy over the last few months (sunshine, tour wins etc etc) and I am just one man. I get a lot of emails and try to keep on top of everything but sometimes get snowed under, and to be brutally honest my admin is simply not massively sharp (I wish I had my wife's organisational skills!). Fortunately I am much better at analysing riding positions and getting people riding better :D

    If you are still after some help, do drop me a line and mention that you came from this thread, I promise to do better at returning your email/call and can provide you a discounted rate for your fitting to apologise for my shocking communication skills.

    All the best,

    Professional Bike Fit and Cycling Injury Specialists
    Telephone 07974392644
    "Ride Better"
  • PS. I can't remember the last time I had the time to look at a forum, but have just had a look through. Huge thanks to anyone who's posted positive feedback on my services. I try my best to give every rider as much attention and information as they need. Although I do wish people would use their real names in posts, it's impossible to know who's who! (but I guess that's the idea?) Anyway, many thanks to those I've met, apologies to anyone I've neglected and look forward to anyone who books in in the future!
    Professional Bike Fit and Cycling Injury Specialists
    Telephone 07974392644
    "Ride Better"
  • Brian Rourke - the man is a genius and can size up by sight, forget sticking a wooden pole haphazardly between your legs!

    His shop is in Stoke and is well worth a look, if nothing else to admire his beautiful paint jobs!
  • carrock
    carrock Posts: 1,103
    Ian1983 wrote:
    I've just looked up the Rebecca Romero website. The fitting's £150, which if I'm honest is more than I can afford having just bought bike plus pedals.

    Also looked at the Pedal Precision link above. They've got 3 different levels of fit (£60 / £110 / £170). Anyone know if the £60 one would be perfectly sufficient, or would I need to be looking at the middle option?

    There was an article in last months cycling plus where 3 ex bath rugby guys went to Rebecca for fitting and full vo2 max testing etc, and she was highly thought of by them.
  • foggybike
    foggybike Posts: 160
    Just be to see Richard at Pedal Precision in the Velodrome today.

    Great couple of hours spent, learnt a lot, bike fully adjusted. Well worth it.

    Would definitely recommend a visit.