Failing economy, massive unemployment, unpopular Govt?

dynamicbrick Posts: 460
edited August 2013 in The cake stop
Is your economy on its arse? Do you have massive unemployment? Is your military junta/dictatorship/government massive unpopular? Are you drowning in national debt?

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  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Hmmn, interesting. These were my immediate thoughts too when I first heard this story on the radio today. Not that I'm a believer of the whole 'British soil' thing with regard land hundreds of miles from the British Isles itself, sod it...let them have it...but it really did make me think Spain must be proper up sh1t creek if this is what it's government is stirring in order to disguise how modern democracy and the Euro project has utterly shafted it's population, particularly the young.
  • turnerjohn
    turnerjohn Posts: 1,069
    we are Britsh...we are stubborn...we won't back down !

    funny thing is things like this we fight over....homeland issues like deporting certain fundermentalists we get walked all over by the coourts.....fooking insane really !
  • Sirius631
    Sirius631 Posts: 991
    Don't worry folks, as soon as the Anti-social Behaviour Bill gets passed, the police will be able to jail whoever they like for whatever they think is offensive. So stop picking your nose or whistling.

    Should make that an 0845 so that the population can pay for th war through their phone bills.
    To err is human, but to make a real balls up takes a super computer.
  • You didn't read the post properly and/or click on the link, did you? ;)
  • chris@68
    chris@68 Posts: 22
    Lordy, if they are going off about a fake reef, lets hope a UK made, globally popular motoring, sorry, entertainment, programme does not spend the best part of a one hour show ragging expensive cars around the more desolate areas of their country, graphically illustrating just how much trouble they are in.....
    Oh... wait.......
    Scott Cr1 Pro
    Cove Handjob
  • The Spanish Fishing fleet is a political holy cow for them in the EU, similar to how the French react regarding farming subsidies. So I wouldn't underestimate how much upset a few snagged nets will cause.

    It's all a load of guff and bluster, unfortunately. In the modern world, Gibraltar's strategic importance is extremely limited, especially for the Spanish since it is attached to the mainland so wouldn't represent an extension of their territorial reach. Indeed, it's pretty questionable for us to, now that we don't have enough of a navy left to warrant having a Mediterranean fleet which would necessitate having a base from which to operate them.

    However, Gibraltar is pretty profitable as a commercial district, so I wonder whether Spain envisages it like another Hong Kong where they could replicate what the Chinese did by swapping the management out, leaving everything else be, and just cream off the revenue.

    Nonetheless, idly toying with the concept of Spain marching onto the rock and reclaiming it. My view is we'd not do anything about it - the muppets up top don't have the spine, the Army is desperately fought out, and frankly neither side has the cash to sustain even a weekend's worth of conflict over a couple of square miles. Question is, will the Spanish gamble?

    Either way, the Argentinians will be watching closely to see what happens.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    There is no way on earth Spain would try and break war with England. Media Hype.
    Living MY dream.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Maybe, but should we give it back to Spain? after all, wtf are we doing there?
    The Gibs are descended from pirates and criminals and few have names that we would consider british - we dont own america/canada/ Australia or HK anymore and would we like it if the IOW was owned by the russians or such like?
    We no longer have the means to keep up Devonport dockyard (most of it is being sold off for housing) so why an earth do we need a base in spain?
  • why should we? they want to remain part of 'us'...the right to self determination, pretty much the cornerstone of the point of existince of the UN.

    we are there as a historcal quirk of history. without getting into a debate on the rights and wrongs of imperialism and correcting its results, and the subject of the falklands, lets just say it is what it is and its up to them. if you want to go down the route of wtf are we doing there, then, wtf are most people in britain doing here??? all us angles, saxons, jutes, normans, norse, etc should go back to our homelands and leave it the more native (yet still at one time invaders) cornish and welsh, etc.
  • VTech wrote:
    There is no way on earth Spain would try and break war with England. Media Hype.

    as if they could afford it for starters! (not that we really could)
  • 4kicks
    4kicks Posts: 549
    Never understood why Hague doesnt invite the Spanish to discuss returning Gibraltar to Spain on the precondition that Spain first returns Ceuta and Mellia to Morocco as a demonstration of Spain living the principle.
    Fitter....healthier....more productive.....
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Geez that Cristina Kirchner is completely unhinged if she thinks Argentina will get the Falklands back from us.

    And apart from that, didn't Spain sell us Gibralter hundreds of years ago?
  • SpainSte
    SpainSte Posts: 181
    giant man wrote:

    And apart from that, didn't Spain sell us Gibralter hundreds of years ago?

    Spain signed over Gib following their defeat in the Spanish War of Succession, basically about seeing whether a French king could sit on the Spanish throne. We won and as part of the treaty (Treaty of Utrecht, 1713, I think anyways) Spain 'gave' us Gib forever.
    Its not strategically important anymore, but there are over 30,000 Brits that want to remain British, and quite rightly so.

    I live in Spain and work in Gib so cross the border everyday. Most of the workers know how bad the queues are and so park up in Spain and walk over. The newsworthy queues of recent weeks have mostly only really affected Spaniards who come over the border to full up their cars with duty free fuel and tax free ciggies. There has been a lot of it in the news in the last week or so, I'm guessing it's just due to 'silly season' as, as far as I can remember there were much much bigger queues around october last year.
    Spain's hands are tied by their EU membership and the fact that it isnt a dictatorship anymore, there really isnt anything they can do, except cause queues, which mostly just affect their own countrymen anyways. Ho hum.
  • SpainSte wrote:
    Its not strategically important anymore,

  • gsvbagpuss
    gsvbagpuss Posts: 272
    giant man wrote:
    Geez that Cristina Kirchner is completely unhinged if she thinks Argentina will get the Falklands back from us.

    She doesnn't, it's just an easy vote winner in Buenos Aires
  • SpainSte wrote:
    Its not strategically important anymore,


    it may not be as of this instant, but it will certainly be again in future, what with the reds reinstating their mediterean fleet. something will kick off at some stage.
  • SpainSte
    SpainSte Posts: 181
    SpainSte wrote:
    Its not strategically important anymore,


    I dont think it is wrong, the rock is of very little strategic importance nowadays. We don't have a med fleet, the world isn't as it was a couple of hundred years ago - whoever controls Gib no longer controls the Med.
    Perhaps the only thing that makes the rock important still is the listening post mounted at the rocks highest point. As far as I know it houses one of the most powerful radar/radio scopes in europe and is so powerful that NASA used to use it to communicate with the shuttles as they passed over Europe.
    Obviously the strategic nature of the situation may change, but currently my point was correct, and yours was, in a word, wrong :)