Does anybody get cramp attacks like this?

ademort Posts: 1,924
edited August 2013 in The cake stop
The following video shows a man who has just finished an event. Just as the interviewer is about to ask a question he gets an attack of cramp, or is it a put on. ... iew__.html
Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
Giant Defy 4
Mirage Columbus SL
Batavus Ventura


  • sophidog
    sophidog Posts: 180
    had a double-cramp last year that had me laid out on the garage floor screaming like a girl. Back from a short and intense ride(no, i foolishly didn't warm up or down) and as I went onto my toes to hang the bike up both calves snapped into instant cramps throwing me upward onto my toes. As i yelped & let go of the bike my left foot turned under and down I went as there was nothing to grab hold of. I've had the occasional night cramp but this was well off the scale; the pain was probably the worst in my 63 years. Both calves were solid and sweat was pouring off me as i cried out for the wife. After about 5 minutes she appeared and started to try to massage them loose. It took 20 minutes for the legs to even begin to relax & i was on the verge of telling her to call an ambulance; my heart was racing and i was worried that permanent damage might be being done. It took days for me to be able to walk without pain, I now warm up & warm down again & have an electrolyte drink just in case.
    I notice he got up pretty quickly, lucky sod.
    Road: Rose CDX-3000 Cannondale CAADX 105 2011
    Turbo: Fuji Nevada Mountain Bike(Y2K)
  • tincaman
    tincaman Posts: 508
    I have had double hamstring cramps on a long Sportive climbing a hill, I just dumped myself in the hedge, no way I could turn the legs, pain was very intense!
  • MrSweary
    MrSweary Posts: 1,699
    I was up in the Lakes last week (walking not cycling) and had terrible problems with cramping on the tops of my thighs when going down hill. From chatting to a few guys in walking shops who also cycle apparently the 'braking' muscles used when going down a hill simply don't get used on a bike and it is a common complaint. Who knew?
    Kinesis Racelite 4s disc
    Kona Paddy Wagon
    Canyon Roadlite Al 7.0 - reborn as single speed!
    Felt Z85 - mangled by taxi.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Yep. I cramped badly in a race earlier this year. Freaking agony. Absolute agony.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Yeah I've had cramps like that. If you've not had it before it will certainly draw a yelp or two!
    - - - - - - - - - -
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  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    DesWeller wrote:
    Yeah I've had cramps like that. If you've not had it before it will certainly draw a yelp or two!

    I have had cramps before, however they don,t come on as quickly as with the cyclist in the video.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    I jumped straight into the campsite pool after this year’s Marmotte and suffered cramp in both legs when I tried to swim. Thought I was going to drown until I remembered that the pool is only 5’ deep and I’m 6’ tall
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Ha ha cramp in the swimming pool is always a winner! Remember it happening to me as a teenager and sinking to the bottom whilst trying to straighten my legs out. Very embarrassing.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    DesWeller wrote:
    Ha ha cramp in the swimming pool is always a winner! Remember it happening to me as a teenager and sinking to the bottom whilst trying to straighten my legs out. Very embarrassing.

    This reminded me of a swim I had once while on holiday. I was racing my dad doing lengths and after 1.5 lengths (where I was miles ahead of him) I was right next to some random guy just standing there in the pool. I suddenly got cramp in both calves AND feet, and screamed out in agony. I nearly gave the poor guy a heart attack!

    Also after a hard ride once I went to swing my leg over to get off the bike and my quad cramped - I fell to the floor with bike on top of me - thank goodness it was in the garage! :P

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • I do get occasional cramp on the bike, but it's more of the creeps-up-on-me kind and certainly doesn't result in that kind of moment. Having said that, I have experienced such a moment. I wasn't on the bike but it still involved riding, sort of. Most embarrassing and very funny afterwards. Fabulous way of preventing babies.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,841
    ademort wrote:
    The following video shows a man who has just finished an event. Just as the interviewer is about to ask a question he gets an attack of cramp, or is it a put on. ... iew__.html

    +++ :D

    I thought it was only the Rost biffs that bought cheap horrible foldaway deckchairs.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    I got such bad cramp in both legs on Sundays Ride 100 I was nearly in tears. Never had cramp like it.

    They just locked twice and I really thought it was game over.

    Even today one muscle is still sore from it.
  • mikeabanks
    mikeabanks Posts: 116
    I got cramp in both legs watching the TDF just as Froome won the Mont Ventoux stage.
    I had been sat watching for about 1.5 hours since finishing my club run (75 miles) and just crossed my legs and BANG! hobbling about the living room with wife laughing!
  • I got bad cramps during the Ride London, looking around at the feed stops I wasnt the only one suffering. I blame it on waiting in the start pen for 45 mins in the freezing cold, then blasting out the gates hitting 25mph average for the best part of an hour. I should have known wave B would be mega fast from the start and not warming up would cause trouble.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    i don't get cramp. Mind you, i do stretch after every ride, but so quick after a race, wow ...