yet another tweet about knocking off a cyclist

xixang Posts: 235
edited August 2013 in Road general
not sure if this has already been posted ... on-cyclist


  • gpreeves
    gpreeves Posts: 454
    I like that Twitter is finally serving a purpose. Without it, these idiots wouldn't be able to publicly boast about their stupidity, and hopefully be punished for their actions.
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Here we go again. Is there really a need for this? It's just going to increase the friction between both 'sides'. We know there are idiots on the planet - thank goodness its only the minority.
  • TakeTurns wrote:
    Here we go again. Is there really a need for this? It's just going to increase the friction between both 'sides'. We know there are idiots on the planet - thank goodness its only the minority.
    You're the one and only person to suggest it's a matter of 'them' and 'us', thereby allowing yourself to be drawn into their small world. The much wider and more important issue here is the abuse that people post on Twitter, regardless of who the abuse is aimed at.

    If Twitter and the police are cracking down on suggestions of abuse against women, what are they going to do when actual abuse against other people is tweeted? Or is it a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease?
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    why, again, is it a stupid young female?
  • JackPozzi
    JackPozzi Posts: 1,191
    I think the stupid there is the main reason
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,021
    people who are worthless failures take whatever chances they get to 'win'

    i'd bring in an intelligence test as part of the driving test, it'd weed out some of the evolutionary wrong turns before they had a chance to make one on the road
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    this just seems too blatant, seems fake to me. she probably saw how the other story made the news and just wanted her very perverse 15 minutes of fame!

    if it is true, to admit to running someone over is bad enough, then to admit you did it on purpose and then to say you were still drunk!! she would have to be the stupidest person ever!! - a site for sore eyes
  • img_87
    img_87 Posts: 60
    ^^ i posted exactly this on Twitter when i seen it. It must be fake. It is just to blatant.
  • It is genuinely surprising that people post that on Twitter and expect not to be caught out or reported. They must have really boring lives if that is the highlight of their day.
  • Zanf in the comments summed it up quite well 'Sounds like a lot of self pitying bullshit backtracking.'
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I don't think I'd make up a fake story just to get arrested and DNA'd for life.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    sounds like what happened was, she got too close to a cyclist, he went a bit mad and took it out on her car then they had a bit of a barny about it. Then afterwards she tweeted about it saying she ran him over on purpose when she didnt to save some pride or something weird in case anyone she knew heard about it!

    if no cyclist has come forward then might be a case of 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. She was initially in the wrong but you cant go round ripping peoples wing mirrors off every time they get a bit close! - a site for sore eyes
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    If I was her insurer - I'd be cancelling her policy. No matter how much she's paying - would you insure a driver who deliberately hits cyclists and by her own admission was definitely driving drunk ? She should be priced off the road - its safer for everyone.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    cougie wrote:
    If I was her insurer - I'd be cancelling her policy. No matter how much she's paying - would you insure a driver who deliberately hits cyclists and by her own admission was definitely driving drunk ? She should be priced off the road - its safer for everyone.

    i'd definitely insure them!! they'd pay their premium and then when they made a claim they wouldnt be elligible as they would be over the limit or causing the damage on purpose! and if they boast about it aferwards it'd be very easy not to pay out! money for nothing! - a site for sore eyes