Ullrich speaks up for Armstrong



  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dennisn wrote:
    I applaud you for admitting why you really don't like him. Didn't think I'd ever hear someone say that on this forum.
    My apology for implying otherwise. :oops:

    Really ? Plenty of people have expressed pretty much the same opinion as ThomThom for years.

    OK. I'm sure there were/ are a few who may have claimed to hate him because he was a mean man or whatever.
    Still, it would seem that the vast, vast majority of posts about him in the years past contained words like cheating doper, ruined cycling for me with all his doping, scummy doper, etc., etc. And then there was the biggest hater of them all, one bikingbernie, and he also seemed all about the cheating and dope. He was right too.
    Sorry, but for me all I ever(with a few exceptions) read on these forums was doping, doping, and more doping. Everyone wanted him to confess to doping. Didn't notice anyone wanting him to confess to being mean. Your "plenty of people...." just doesn't ring true.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Could it be that the truth about the doping made the rest of the behaviour acceptable/unacceptable?

    If Floyd/Tyler/Betsy/Emma/David/Paul... ... ... etc had actually been lying and he had never doped then his actions would have been somewhat morally justified. Lets not forget (and I know how much you want us to) that you were desperate for this version of events to be the reality for 10 years or so dennis, the "why do you care" schtick started the day of the release of the USADA report, not a moment before.

    However the reality was that they were all telling the truth, very much to their detriment, and as a result Armstrong was acting like someone with all the morals of a Mafia mob boss ie entirely unjustified. So yes, Armstrong is a massive cunstable and should never trouble the world ever again
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • bockers
    bockers Posts: 146
    May as well merge this thread with the "Lance Armstrong Doped" one now that Dennisn is here. It's the same weary conversation that goes round in circles. :roll:
  • Getting back to Ullrich... is there motive in him saying this kind of stuff?

    Could he be trying to protect his Tour win in some way?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Getting back to Ullrich... is there motive in him saying this kind of stuff?

    Could he be trying to protect his Tour win in some way?

    Could be. But I'm sort of thinking that to protect his win(IF that was / is the motive) that he would need to slam LA instead of sticking up for him. Interesting idea though. Maybe he felt he had to say something as opposed to saying nothing and somehow he reasoned that what he did say was the best of two bad choices.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Getting back to Ullrich... is there motive in him saying this kind of stuff?

    Could he be trying to protect his Tour win in some way?

    It's just the inner rationalisation of his own behaviour.