3rd August London 'casual' ride

nolf Posts: 1,287
I note as part of this weekends stuff, there's a closed loop on Saturday morning, open to all - no fee or registration required.
As this seems a great chance to enjoy some closed roads, I was going to havve a zoom around the circuit first thing, I think it opens 9am?

Anyone fancy a friendly/competitive fast ride around central London Saturday at 9am?

Massive disclaimer:
Obviously if the road is packed, fast riding is off, not willing to crash my bike into a bunch of kids just to go fast.
Anyone interested?
"I hold it true, what'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost;
Than never to have loved at all."

Alfred Tennyson


  • mbthegreat
    mbthegreat Posts: 179
    I've convinced the girlfriend to do it with me, but we have to walk to it (less than a mile away)
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    I have a bike with a trailer and 7 other beginnners - by all means join our train.

    Given there will be up to 50,000 cyclists crammed into an 8 mile loop I think the verb zoom, may be a little optimistic. Make sure you are there at the start (9.00 am) and you may get a quick spirt in.