Helmet cam Q.

johnboy183 Posts: 832
edited August 2013 in Commuting general
Ok so just pulled the trigger on getting one of the new bullet hd3 explorer. Might sound an odd question but should I mount it facing forward or rearward?
Do you think most accidents happen when issue happens behind you or are more from the front/side and can be picked up by camera? I know of several people who have ended up on the floor after altercation with a car but I'm not sure that forward facing would have identified the registration plate whereas if pointing back it may have done.
Thoughts please


  • Get 5 more to be fully covered. And make sure you shout not existent traffic laws at motorists and post every detail of your rides on YouTube. :roll:
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    While I don't welcome Mr_C's sarcasm I agree with his embedded point: you're going in to camera ownership with a view to filming accidents / bad driving / incidents etc, etc. I.e. you are looking for trouble, and with that attitude you will find it.

    You'll very quickly end up being another vigilante cyclist railing at every supposed indiscretion and trust me: there are more than enough of them on the road.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
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    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    It's almost as if the overriding view is that cameras have no place in road safety! I've cycled on and off for years and been very lucky/defensive that I've rarely had a close call. I'm not looking for trouble or considering posting every near miss on YouTube, but looking to have evidence if the worst should happen, especially when out riding with my boy. Yes I can also use it as a teaching aid with him if required. More importantly it's about a way of recording fun times together!
  • Fortunately of the 100+ helmet cammers I subscribe to on YouTube only a couple seem to go looking for bad driving. One in particular and I only subscribe to him because occasionally he posts something interesting - I think most people will recognise him from my first post.
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    Ok intrigued now
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    I have over 50 vids posted on my channel, the vast majority are of 'fun times' (and some fairly daft ones) with the odd idiot. I bought my camera to actually highlight good driving and balance the number of ranty videos people kept linking to.

    For some bizarre reason my most popular one is me doing 40mph on my old tricross.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • philwi
    philwi Posts: 19
    The answer is: mount it facing where you look. Then, because you're already well aware of what's around you, you have the best chance of getting what you need. If you're not already in the habit of "eyeballing" drivers who pull up behind you, then you need to do that, but with a camera you can just scan their plates.

    If you end up on the tarmac, then continue videoing. If you're able then taking shots of the scene is also a good idea.
    ... you're going in to camera ownership with a view to filming accidents / bad driving / incidents etc, etc. I.e. you are looking for trouble, and with that attitude you will find it.

    That's not a logical argument.

    I use a camera for two reasons:
    (1) It's a deterrent, having a remarkable calming effect on many drivers.
    (2) When I'm injured, it's much easier than chasing after witnesses, who the police tend to dissuade anyway.

    I've ridden with cameras for just over a year. In that time my camera prevented one assault; earned a ticket for one red-light-jumping driver; and garnered one other driver a police warning. The last time I looked YouTube wasn't a part of the English legal system: I've no interest in it.

    I do look forward to the time when everyone rides with cameras - there is no room on the roads for bad drivers; soon there'll be no place for them to hide either. Bring it on.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    philwi wrote:
    I do look forward to the time when everyone rides with cameras - there is no room on the roads for bad drivers; soon there'll be no place for them to hide either. Bring it on.
    I look forward to the time when nobody rides or drives with a camera as there is no need. At that point we will be able to walk/ride/drive safe in the knowledge that everyone else is behaving courteously. Unfortunately that isn't likely to happen (in my life time) and it's probably going to me more the case of everyone riding with a camera or two.
  • Mr.Duck
    Mr.Duck Posts: 174
    I have over 50 vids posted on my channel, the vast majority are of 'fun times' (and some fairly daft ones) with the odd idiot.
    I just watched your "considerate lorry driver" video. You undertake people? Man, your cycling is not good. After watching a couple more, you seem to be more concerned with catching people with your camera, shouting and waving your arms around, than avoiding accidents to begin with...
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    Mr.Duck wrote:
    I have over 50 vids posted on my channel, the vast majority are of 'fun times' (and some fairly daft ones) with the odd idiot.
    I just watched your "considerate lorry driver" video. You undertake people? Man, your cycling is not good. After watching a couple more, you seem to be more concerned with catching people with your camera, shouting and waving your arms around, than avoiding accidents to begin with...


    You ARE watching the same vids as I posted right?

    The owl. Mud-plugging. 3 miles of over-taking. Tissington Trail (all 13 MILES of it), Beemer on a trailer buried in a garden, morning commute in the glorious sunshine, great over-takes, lorry drivers flashing me to let me know its safe, driver stopping to apologise for a crap overtake, 40 mph on a tricross, 40 mph on a Madone, fast runs with a mate, scalping the same mate, twilight vampires on a bike (btw everyone: THAT was the guy who made the seals comment!) considerate drivers, considerate DHL lorry driver, scaring pedestrians, riding 'round Donington park, riding through floods, just chilling.....

    Yup - there are some vids about crap drivers... we all see them, and I've only ever posted the ones that really stand out. I don't need to justify my choice of posts to you or anyone. Oh, and of course you did read the comment on the considerate lorry driver didn't you? The bit where I explained why I used to undertake through the village 2 YEARS ago. Yes, of course, you noticed all that while you were focussing on one particular type of video. I think maybe that says more about yourself than me.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Mr.Duck
    Mr.Duck Posts: 174
    You ARE watching the same vids as I posted right?
    Yes. Whenever there is some sort of incident, you shout and wave your arms around. I can't tell whether you deny you do this or not. You shake your head in disapproval a lot too. That's what I noticed from your videos.
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    So I guess that the best place to have the camera is on my helmet facing forward. A rear facing one would be ideal when funds afford but probably not much use at the moment
  • wicked2627
    wicked2627 Posts: 122
    I've just started commuting and am after a camera to protect me essentially. So many drivers don't indicate and are in a rush to get home!

    Am after something small that doesn't stick out too much (so GoPro Hero is out). Seen the Contour Roam but that looks quite bulky too.

    Whats this Bullet camera? Did a google but cannot find much info in English. Do you have any details you can share?

    Specialized Roubaix Pro Expert 2020
    Boardman HT Pro Ltd Ed MTB
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  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    It's this one, the Explorer. Should arrive this week so hopefully be able to tell you more at the weekend. http://mobile.dudamobile.com/site/hedca ... edcamz.com%

    I have no experience of using cameras but this appears inconspicuous and seems to tick all the boxes. And as importantly Carl and his team have been very helpful
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Wicked2627 wrote:
    I've just started commuting and am after a camera to protect me essentially. So many drivers don't indicate and are in a rush to get home!

    Am after something small that doesn't stick out too much (so GoPro Hero is out). Seen the Contour Roam but that looks quite bulky too.

    Whats this Bullet camera? Did a google but cannot find much info in English. Do you have any details you can share?


    How is a camera that can't be seen going to protect you?! The "So many Drivers" are still going to be in a rush and won't indicate on their way home .. a camera isn't going to stop that.
    Unseen cameras are only really good for after the event ... if you want a deterrent then something a little more visible may be better?
    How about a fake camera .. ?
  • wicked2627
    wicked2627 Posts: 122
    Slowbike wrote:
    Wicked2627 wrote:
    I've just started commuting and am after a camera to protect me essentially. So many drivers don't indicate and are in a rush to get home!

    Am after something small that doesn't stick out too much (so GoPro Hero is out). Seen the Contour Roam but that looks quite bulky too.

    Whats this Bullet camera? Did a google but cannot find much info in English. Do you have any details you can share?


    How is a camera that can't be seen going to protect you?! The "So many Drivers" are still going to be in a rush and won't indicate on their way home .. a camera isn't going to stop that.
    Unseen cameras are only really good for after the event ... if you want a deterrent then something a little more visible may be better?
    How about a fake camera .. ?

    So when they claim I cycled in their path and that they did indicate, there is footage to prove otherwise and then up to their insurance to ensure my bike is repaired / replaced. 'Protect' perhaps the wrong word but also if anyone is abusive then the footage would go straight to the cops for the law to deal with them.
    Specialized Roubaix Pro Expert 2020
    Boardman HT Pro Ltd Ed MTB
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  • I have a Contour Roam2, it's pretty good and not very bulky at all. The GoPro is MUCH more blocky and visible.

    Polaroid makes a cheaper 'version' basically: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Polaroid-Extrem ... m_sbs_ph_1
  • wicked2627
    wicked2627 Posts: 122
    Thanks - theres not much difference in the proce between the Polaroid and Roam 2. Do you have yours on your helmet and is the Roam2 mount any good? Seen some reviews that suggest the mount isn't that good and people have used zip ties instead.
    Specialized Roubaix Pro Expert 2020
    Boardman HT Pro Ltd Ed MTB
    Boardman Pro Carbon Road Bike (Turbo Trainer)
    Charge Mixer