Di2 Upgrade II

WarlKicken Posts: 224
edited July 2013 in Road general
Bonjour All,

Just wondering if anyone had any photos/ ideas for external routing for the wiring. I have all the stuff, I just need to find a decent "LBS" rather than Halfords or Evans. My Pinarello ROKH is my actual pride and joy, I saved for ages to get her and she's a dream.

I'd like to get the wiring neatly, discreetly on the down tube without ruining the lovely words "PINARELLO". My matt black baby has the disadvantage of the downtube being all white with huge P I N A R E L L O written down, that I'm rather fond of.

Any ideas anyone?! - Apologies to post almost the same topic again...


  • alarustic
    alarustic Posts: 24
    I thought Evans were doing it FOC?
  • WarlKicken
    WarlKicken Posts: 224
    Basically, I had been in to see them, they 'were' doing it free of charge until I told them I found it even cheaper (originally I'd said Ribble 999.95), at PBK for around £750. Then things got slightly less FOC and I was told it'd be a 'gold' service charge £120.00 ontop. I pulled the plug for the moment.

    I don't know how you chaps are but I duno if the bike would get the level of attention I'd want it to at a place that churns out bikes daily either, OR am I being pedantic? I duno....
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    I had mine fitted by my LBS, and am glad I did. There's a bit more to the setup than the mechanical version - e.g. if you don't get the rear mech lower gear limit screw right it'll kill the battery by trying to carry on changing down. etc, and personally I was happier starting off with it done by people who've done it before, know what to expect and have the right kit, such as the diagnostic s/w that plugs into it. Like I said in your other thread, the supplied sheaths are shag-nasty bits of kit (technical term there) that didn't stay in place for long, hence neatly cut black leccy tape.

    I've had mine off a few times since but it's having it right to start with that swayed me. I'll do a photo when I get chance - not for a day or so as I'm away from an internet connection in the evenings at the minute.
  • WarlKicken
    WarlKicken Posts: 224
    CiB wrote:
    I had mine fitted by my LBS, and am glad I did. There's a bit more to the setup than the mechanical version - e.g. if you don't get the rear mech lower gear limit screw right it'll kill the battery by trying to carry on changing down. etc, and personally I was happier starting off with it done by people who've done it before, know what to expect and have the right kit, such as the diagnostic s/w that plugs into it. Like I said in your other thread, the supplied sheaths are shag-nasty bits of kit (technical term there) that didn't stay in place for long, hence neatly cut black leccy tape.

    I've had mine off a few times since but it's having it right to start with that swayed me. I'll do a photo when I get chance - not for a day or so as I'm away from an internet connection in the evenings at the minute.

    Cheers buddy. Be good to see it. Be interested if anyone on here knows a decent LBS around London.
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    get black wiring and spell pinarello with it on the downtube.