Clipless pedals

ManxJ Posts: 43
edited July 2013 in Road beginners

I presume everyone has a natural foot that they unclip with right?

I always unclip with my right foot but living in the UK its kind of more ideal to unclip with the left foot as its obviously the pavement side, so away from cars etc... However, when i unclip with my left foot i literally cannot move, i cant walk forward, nothing! nothing is natural, its asif my brain isnt sending the message for me to walk/move.

I can manage just fine on the right hand side but just sort of worried that its some kind of disorder etc


  • dannyharris
    dannyharris Posts: 217
    It takes some getting used too.
    I have spd pedals on my road bike managed to lose a section of the pedal on the right hand side.
    So now I leave the right foot clipped in, then try I unclipping from the left. Been at it two weeks and still can't get it right.
  • ManxJ
    ManxJ Posts: 43
    Im 100% used to them on my natural side, just physically incapable when it comes to unclipping my left foot lol
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Unclip with the foot that feels natural
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 230
    Couldn't unclip with my right if I wanted to would end up on my arse every time.
    Sensa Trentino SL Custom 2013 - 105 Compact - Aksium Race
  • surfatwork
    surfatwork Posts: 82
    I cant unclip my right either. well I can, but usually fall very soon after. So I leave my right clipped in all the time while riding, and unclip only my left when needed
    2011 Scott S30
    2004 Trek 4500
    2009 Trek 7.1
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    If I could not unclip with whichever foot I wanted to put down I think I would get some different pedals :shock:

    I guess (have never really monitored it) I unclip my left foot at lights etc. (so I am leaning away from traffic and ready to push off with my right foot) and my right foot at other times (because I am right footed and to have a bit of a change).
  • wandsworth
    wandsworth Posts: 354
    This is a subject that has been on my mind recently as I have just moved to clipless. In my (limited) experience, whether you decide to go with whatever 'feels natual' or with always unclipping on the same side, the absolutely key thing is to remember to put the unclipped foot down. I'd say that whichever helps you do that is the right way.

    That may sound like a joke or so obvious as to be just stupid but that's what's going to cause your clipless moment. It's what caused mine anyway: I had decided to get used to unclipping on the left, i.e. leaning away from traffic as many people recommend, and that's what I did. Unfortunately I was stopped at the lights in the right-hand lane of a one-way piece of junction where there is a kerb on the right. So I naturally leaned to the right to rest my foot on the kerb and had my first clipless moment. Fortunately the traffic was stopped and I escaped with a grazed knee, a bruised hand and minor public humiliation.
    Shut up, knees!

    Various Boardmans, a Focus, a Cannondale and an ancient Trek.
  • WadeNose
    WadeNose Posts: 1
    I always unclip with the right, just feels right!

    Had my first clipless moment today when I was trying to clip in, just could not get the flaming thing into the pedal! Lucky I fell to the left and onto a grass verge so no damage done apart from my majorly dinted pride! :oops:
  • ManxJ wrote:

    I presume everyone has a natural foot that they unclip with right?

    I always unclip with my right foot but living in the UK its kind of more ideal to unclip with the left foot as its obviously the pavement side, so away from cars etc... However, when i unclip with my left foot i literally cannot move, i cant walk forward, nothing! nothing is natural, its asif my brain isnt sending the message for me to walk/move.

    I can manage just fine on the right hand side but just sort of worried that its some kind of disorder etc


    I haven't a clue what your actual point is but Hey!

    I very rarely need to unclip - I have learnt how to do a trackstand or hold on to any railings or lamposts when at traffic lights or junctions.

    Even though I am right handed and more natural for me to unclip that first it's very rare that I do. Better to stay clipped in that side as you get a better start from your more dominant side and also because we ride on the left in the UK you can unclip the left and put your foot on the pavement which keeps you more stable.

    But Hey... I don't think you have a "disorder" with walking etc. Although perhaps with posting it on the internet that could be considered some kind of... Hey - "disorder"....