First off

chuckla Posts: 132
edited July 2013 in Road beginners
First off tonight, half a mile into it, one of the boys I was riding with waved to his mate on the other side of the road and then hit his brakes without warning while I was about 6 inches off his back wheel! Tried to avoid a collision but hit him at about 16mph! Knocked him flying and my brother hit me in the back and went over his handle bars! Road rash on the leg, cuts up my arm and a swollen elbow!

2 buckled wheels, scratched shifter, scratched rear mech, even the chain has some marks on it! Not very happy tbh as he is the most experienced rider out of the three of us, he knew I was on his back wheel and was reckless! We're lucky we weren't being taken over by any cars or on that stretch of road gypsy transit vans! Could have been a whole lot worse!


  • You have my sympathies - it's painful and it's expensive, and in my case it put me off riding for a few weeks. I'm back in love with it now though :)
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    You need to be in the GB team pursuit squad to be riding six inches apart :shock: I certainly wouldn't try it out on the road.

    Sounds like an expensive lesson learned there. Hope you all mend quickly.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    You certainly were fortunate... I'm sitting at home with a broken clavicle, punctured lung and broken ribs, off work for two weeks now and the prospect of an op tomorrow to reconstruct my shoulder. My off was nowhere near as severe