1000 km in 5 days

mart.sykora Posts: 3
edited July 2013 in Commuting chat
Hey guys,
I'm looking for any advice, tip, tricks...
In 10 days I’m leaving for a trip from NL to CZ. It means leaving see level 0 m and crossing mountains 960 m. How should I divide all 5 days? Let’s say day 1 – take it easy and do 150 k, day 2 – hit 250…? Up to now I did around 2.500 k in last 2,5 months on my road bike. I will have only small backpack with spare clothes, GPS, tools for small repairs, pump, lights.
If you have any experience about such a trip, please let me know. :shock:


  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Go as far as you can comfortably manage each day.
    Some days will be further than others.
    Panic when you have 300 left for the final day. :wink:

    When I did a tour like this, similar but shorter, I did 2 hours, cafe, 2 hours, lunch, 2 hours, cafe, 2 hours find a B&B.
    The miles quickly rolled in. And when I say cafe, I mean pub. :wink:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    - Eat lots
    - Audiobooks
    - Don't get drunk every night
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    I did 900k in 5 days including some good elevation. Keep your heart rate as low as you can (<70% max) and use that to pace yourself. A backpack is a horrible idea - I'd absolutely hate to have that on my back for 1000km.

    Get some good mitts and good shorts. Clean(ed) shorts every day.

    As above, eat really well (especially breakfast) and drink lots.

    Lots of people who do the long rides get Achilles issues if you're not used to riding this far. You can help by exercising them often ahead of time by doing the standing on a step and lift yourself up and down on your toes.
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • Thanks a lot for your input. I wanted to go go with at least two of us, but since I have a new bike, I want to push myself to limits and be independend.
    Do you think that it would not be smart to make 300 k in the first day? Or is it better to wait for second day with longer distance?
    Very small backpack will be ok, I did something similar once and I didn't even know about it...
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,594
    Do you think that it would not be smart to make 300 k in the first day? Or is it better to wait for second day with longer distance?

    Keep it as even as possible.

    Wake up early, eat early, start early.

    Nothing worse than having to race 'cos it's 9pm and you're tired and hungry.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    Thanks a lot for your input. I wanted to go go with at least two of us, but since I have a new bike, I want to push myself to limits and be independend.
    Do you think that it would not be smart to make 300 k in the first day? Or is it better to wait for second day with longer distance?
    Very small backpack will be ok, I did something similar once and I didn't even know about it...

    I always tend to plan a long first day and then regret it as I always find the first day tough.
    It could be down to having too many beers on the ferry, but day 2,3,4 always feel better.