Cinelli 2012 Cyclocross

w00lfy Posts: 9
edited August 2013 in Workshop

I used to be right into all this - 30 miles a day into London and back on my Bianchi. I've never been much of a mechanic, more a poofter etc...

Bianchi stolen - with the insurance money I bought a Cinelli. I should have bought one of the steelies, but thought I'd give the cyclocross a go. Life changed - and I'm now living in Brighton with this 1000 pound bike that doesn't work. Teeth never fit the chain and every ten minutes (traffic lights especially) I clunk, with consequent multiple £40 trips to bikeshops. I only want to cycle to the beach and south downs trails - but feel I might trade her in for a £100 mtb. I bought the Cinelli t-shirt too.

I know I know I shoud buy a bike stand. What am I saying wrong to the bike shops? They just look at me like the typical prick I was all those years ago...

Can somebody help me please? I want to get right back into it all, lycra especially but am very bike depressed. Children cycle faster than me.


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • w00lfy
    w00lfy Posts: 9
    hilarious :)

    I'm looking for advice MD. Lend a hand, that's why I've come here. Posting me the link to all the tools is unkind.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,538
    what is the 40 quid clunk?

    maybe the gears need indexing...

    go to the parktool site, then the repair help section, then the bit about derailleurs, then look for how to adjust the rear derailleur
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • w00lfy
    w00lfy Posts: 9
    Thanks for that, I will...

    I keep saying derailleurs. That's like the most complicated bit, asides from the ballbearing horror that holds the pedals... forgetting all the terms. Hours of pain. So some kind of Sheldon diy bike stand? Or maybe turn it upside down, that's an idea. Although, none of this happens if you spin the pedals and click thru, just with a man on the bike, as if the chain doesn't fit the teeth. Best find the Haines manual too, or sell it.

    Essentially I'll take links out the chain - break the chain, and mess up the derailleurs, then back to the shop. Hasn't even got the top gears, tho' good on bmx track. S'alright I'll get there.

    Puncture today.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    So are the gears slipping?

    How old is the bike? Did you buy it new? Model with link?

    Could be a number of things from your description, folk are generally really good on here but a better description is needed before anybody can help :)

    Don't give up on us yet mate :):mrgreen:
  • w00lfy
    w00lfy Posts: 9
    Hi Stefan, thanks for that. I skulked away.

    I spoke to my brother - who's a techie, puts bikes together for fun. Just in passing he mentioned 'bearing weight under pressure.'

    It happened again yesterday at the lights - no grip on the pedal/chain and I stalled in front of a car.

    Bike was straight from the box. It's a new chain now after the last snap - which I thought would make things worse. As everybody says I should take time to learn derailleurs. The main thing is the accumulation of hatred towards this beautiful bike. Before, with the old Bianchi it was so simple - every couple of months a little adventure with the brakes or a spoke. This puts me off cycling. All my own fault and I can't resolve.