RS Tora Questions

Storty Posts: 18
edited July 2013 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi all,
Got some 2nd hand Tora 302 solo air to put on my HT and gave them a service prior to fitting. All seemed ok apart from:
1. There was no rebound adjuster with the forks and when I put in a long Allen key it just spins. I'm assuming the bolt is rounded or do I need the actual red adjuster knob? Haven't got a Danny whereabouts in the range the rebound is set to now!
2. There is a small amount of suspension oil on the Allen key mentioned above, is this normal or does it indicate a leak somewhere?
3. The TK lockout wasn't working before my servicing attempts. It does now but there are no stops with the adjuster. It is possible to keep turning it and after a while it will lock out, usually about a full turn and a half, and vice versa when turned in other direction.
4. Whilst riding when I lift the front wheel in the air there is a clunking noise that sounds like the fork is suddenly extending fully. I would guess that this is the rebound set too fast but it also happens if I lift the front wheel without compressing the forks first.
I realise that this is probably a lesson in not buying crappy 2nd hand forks but I can't afford brand new currently although I now suspect I'll either have to shell out for new parts or cut my losses and bin these. Any help would've greatly appreciated. Cheers.
