TDF 2014

Marcryan206 Posts: 116
edited July 2013 in Road general
Right guys,

I know this TDF hasn't finished yet but pretty much has with a great by froome!! Well he best not lose it now iv said that!
Back to the point iv convinced the misses on watching the stages next year in the UK. Trust me took some work!!

I was wondering where best to watch it? Don't want to get them on a flat as they will zip by! So on the stages where is best? The link is the stages taking place incase you haven't seen them?

Be very grateful for your help!


  • markynulty
    markynulty Posts: 409
    I will be about 1/2 a mile from the top of Holme Moss I think just as it turns to the left for the final push. You can see up and down the hill from that corner.
  • i thnk half of britain will be trying for a spot there mark
  • Marcryan206
    Marcryan206 Posts: 116
    But depends if mark will me camp in his garden lol!!

    Is there anymore top spots to think about up that way?
  • markynulty
    markynulty Posts: 409
    I dont live far away at all so will either camp out or ride up there very early on the day lol. If not then there are a few spots lower down which would be good although probably equally as busy lol.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Better start camping now then...
  • markynulty
    markynulty Posts: 409
    Wouldn't mind that could do hill reps during the days to pass the time ;-)
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    The Germans have already got their towels down ...
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Mikey23 wrote:
    The Germans have already got their towels down ...
    They have actually, I can see them from my house. A long early morning hike for us to secure a spot half way up Holme Moss. We'll call it Yorkshire corner, and offer pies and peas as they cycle past.
  • thefog
    thefog Posts: 197
    Whatever you do, don't leave it till late that morning to get where you decide to go. Even better, camp or book hotels for the night before. Roads will be closed for significant periods before the race/ publicity caravan.

    Other than Holme Moss on stage 2, there are fan zones planned at various sites - Harewood House, Skipton, Grassington, Hawes, Buttertubs, Reeth etc

    Kidstones Bank and Grinton Bank will also be great places to watch.
  • john1967
    john1967 Posts: 366
    I'm going tobe on buttertubs but were ever you go try to take your bike.Being on a TDF stage with your bike is a magical experience.Remember its not just a race its a celebration of all things cycling.
  • anyone recommend best viewing spots for the southern stage?
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    anyone recommend best viewing spots for the southern stage?

    A sofa with a bucket of cool beers?